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- Unprecedented Post-Solstice Shifts
Unprecedented Post-Solstice Shifts
A Cosmic Collective Update: Unprecedented Shifts Unfolding since Solstice
As Cosmic Light continues to penetrate unprecedented levels of existence during this Solar Maximum, many are now seeing - and feeling - the illumination of some deeply buried aspects of the Collective Consciousness which have remained hidden in shadow for many millions of years. This phase of the Shift has been spoken of and foreseen for some time now, but foreseeing it and talking about it are completely incomparable to actually moving through it on a collective level… Especially for Collective Embodiers, “Super-Empaths”, or whatever term is chosen to refer to those who are already functioning at a high level of Harmony with the Whole.
Most of these unfoldments will never reach the conscious awareness of the masses - it has been orchestrated this way to assure the smoothest transition for all. This is why we have been shifting timelines almost constantly and essentially had a day out of time on Sunday. Our realities are literally being rewritten and rearranged so that the consciousness of those who have been creating a downward pull upon this Planetary Collective for millions of years of linear time as well as the energy and awareness of some of the greatest atrocities ever committed are being removed from the Collective Consciousness as thoroughly as the third “e” in Berenstein Bears. But just as some of us know that it was never really “Berenstain”, this doesn’t mean that those of us who have a role to play in this massive multidimensional clean-up project will not maintain some level of awareness of these changes.
There is nothing wrong with those who choose to have no awareness of these unfoldments - our level of awareness is always chosen from a higher level, as is our level of Service and what we choose to put out into the world. This update is being shared mostly for those who choose to have full awareness of some highly unprecedented events. What is happening upon this planet right now has truly never occurred anywhere else in this Universe and likely never will, and due to the level at which this particular planetary transition affects the entire Cosmos, all eyes are upon Gaia at this time… and all hearts are with her as well.
This update is also for all who are feeling the intensity of these transitions within their own bodies and may be seeking further clarity about what is really going on.
Many are aware of the Solstice Alignment with a very significant star in the Orion Constellation and the resolution of a great deal of trauma and karma from the Lyran-Orion conflict. As stated in our transmission accompanying Araya’s Song (https://youtu.be/CzpNqUsRw24), our planet is one of the last which is still in the midst of regaining sovereignty from the inharmonic Orion Empire. It is important to acknowledge that there have been many inharmonic non-human beings present upon and within this planet for a very long stretch of linear time and that they have been getting increasingly uncomfortable in the rising frequencies of the current Solar/Cosmic Alignment.
It is also important to understand that as the illusory barriers of separation between all conscious BEings continue to dissolve, we are increasingly able to feel the physical discomfort, emotional intensity, mental thoughtforms, and inharmonic programming of those around us and may easily mistake them for our own regardless of which race or species they may be coming from. Until such time as we are all functioning in full Harmony with the Whole and all discomfort is resolved, it becomes very important to understand what is ours and what is not. It is also a good time to be able to scan our energy fields for sources of inharmonic input.
This does not mean that we should constantly look outside of ourselves for external causes of any discomfort we may be feeling, because more often than not, the source is easily addressed within our own bodies. When we can take responsibility for an area of discomfort and harmonize it on a cellular level, these harmonizations are then reflected within our perceived realities. Once again, this is how we hold the most harmonic space during this Great Transition and begin to heal the world one person at a time, and as the Cetaceans say, our healing IS our ascension. Our Cellular Liberation Transmission & Meditation can be particularly helpful in this.
Due to a frequency compatibility issue, ALL beings upon this planet are now deciding whether they are willing to move through the healing & harmonization processes necessary to remain here, and what I have observed that many have been feeling since Solstice - particularly in areas where a large number of inharmonic beings are living covertly beneath the ground, completely unbeknownst to those above - is the indecision between whether they are willing or even able to move through these processes on a physical level at this time or whether they should just give up… and a fear of what will happen if they make either one of these choices.
This is particularly confusing to highly empathic individuals who may be picking up on this existential indecision and overall feeling of impending doom, but this internal conflict is self-created because regardless of which decision is made, the struggle stops as soon as we cease to worry and/or attempt to control the outcome and just give ourselves over to the chosen path. All decisions are fully supported by the Infinite Spiral of Creation who will assure that we learn our lessons and move through the transition of our choice as comfortably as possible. The more we surrender to the process, the less of a struggle it will be.
The collective at large is now fully anchored into the No-Being-Left-Behind timeline. This is what it means to truly function as a Planetary Collective. Even if it takes another ten years - until the third consecutive Solar Maximum which will correspond to the third Wave of Ascension - Humanity and all other Earthly races will know what it is like to truly function in Harmony with the Whole once again.
There are some truly exciting and magical times ahead, and although many are already experiencing them on an individual level, it is becoming more and more important not to get too far ahead of the Collective at this time. Individual ascension is also becoming less of an option as the illusory barriers of separation between all of us continue to dissolve. The interconnection of our Consciousness is written into our very DNA, which is also intimately intertwined with that of all other Earthly and Cosmic races. We really are all in this together.
Although I do not have clearance to speak on our public platforms about specific events which are currently unfolding as part of this Planetary Liberation, a video update has been shared on our Thinkific platform under the Bonus Material series. I can only speak about the unfoldments that the Cosmic Resonance Team and I have been moving through together, but due to the particular locations and the sheer number of races and individuals involved, these processes are having huge rippling affects upon the Collective at this time. As we begin from an expanded perspective and work our way inward, we know that many of you have been picking up on some of the unfoldments we will be discussing in further detail:
- Aligning with the Eternal Forms of all Spheres of Consciousness within this Universe
- Healing & Clearing Karmic Residue / Genetic Miasma from the Intergalactic Captive Breeding Program
- The Illumination & Harmonization of underground influences & organizations associated with the Controlled Monarchies of London, Egypt, and Elsewhere
- More details about the disbanding of the Shadow Government
- More unfoldments from Mount Shasta: deep clearing from the planetary root chakra, closing multimillion-year-old karmic contracts
- The Expanded Presence of our Harmonic Cosmic Family within these newly cleared spaces
And more.
Once again, the energy exchange to access the Video Updates in our Bonus Material is the same as our lowest bundle for permanent access to all of our video series in order to encourage the acquisition of some next-level tools to not only navigate this Shift in Consciousness at the maximum level of clarity and awareness, but also to move through your own healing and harmonization processes with the most ease and grace. Lower monthly payment options are available for each bundle, and an even lower monthly payment option is available by special request if needed. We are here to assist you in any way possible.
After over three weeks of travel, we have finally landed at our final destination and are focusing fully on our Video Series, Personal Sessions, and future In-Person Gatherings to have the most harmonizing and empowering large-scale impacts upon this Shift in Consciousness from the stillness and peace of this beautiful landing space. Our very next videos are our Nervous System Rebalancing Transmission & Meditation which include a quick, easy, and thorough CNS reset which I find to be absolutely essential in these times.
We look forward to our future together 🤍
With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team
Join our Thinkific Pod for the Full Video Update + Permanent Access to all other Present & Future Video Content: https://cosmicresonance.thinkific.com
More Tools + Sessions: CosmicResonance.org