Transitioning into 2025

+ Changes in the Spiritual Community

Post-Christmas Updates: Transitioning into 2025 + Changes in the Spiritual Community

We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday! In our Pod, we discovered how Liberating - and Activating - it can be to enjoy Christmas outside of the traditional and socially accepted ways. While every year offers an opportunity for greater family connections and deeper ancestral healing, we also had Galactic Activations, Life-Affirming Swims, and in my case, a Christmas Drum Circle on the Beach, dancing with the birds and and exchanging gifts with our Tribe, because family comes in many forms 🤍

As I was dancing, I was made aware of the next phase of clearing that we would be moving through as a Collective. We are not going to lower the frequency of this sharing to say what is clearing now, but we will say that it is very deep and that frequencies will remain HIGH as this process unfolds with the assistance of many (if not all) of the Cosmic Founding Races. When I asked how long it would take, I was told that it would be two weeks of linear time, and that by the end of it, the world would be transformed. Because this process was initiated on Christmas Day, this means that it will reach its peak on New Years Day and will be fully complete by January 8, 2025.

It has become clear that those who have not dedicated the time, energy, and focus to move through both the heights AND the depths of the healing and harmonization processes which are necessary to fully embody their Soul Light during this great Shift in Consciousness are experiencing the most physical challenges and mental, emotional, and/or energetic instability at this time. Regardless of how much we want to “ascend”, the parts of ourselves which have been scattered and left behind will continue to call to us, and we will never truly feel Whole until we reintegrate them. The Collective Clearing processes which are unfolding at an accelerated pace during this Solar Maximum are making it easier for individuals to move through the deeper aspects of their own processes as we move forward.

We will continue to emphasize that once this Solar Maximum winds down in a few years time, we will enter another Solar Minimum which will bring us ALL back into the depths in order to face anything and everything that we have yet to address within them. For those who are prepared to use this time to it’s maximum capacity, this presents an opportunity to be liberated from the depths of bondage and to build a solid, unshakeable platform to rise and expand from as we move into the next Solar Maximum which will peak from 2034-2035. This will be the last of three consecutive Solar Maximums which correspond to the three “Waves of Ascension” being utilized by the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness to carry out the “Grand Plan” for humanity… And for our entire Cosmos.

In this update, we have already taken you from the Personal level to the Planetary level to the Solar level and beyond. The goal of the Grand Plan is to bring a greater level of Continuity between all Spheres of Consciousness from the Atomic to the Cosmic. All of them are accessible through our own physical vessels, and it is the goal of Cosmic Resonance to learn how to harmonize all of them from Within. When I woke up on Christmas morning, I was given a lot of clarity on how we will be proceeding with our Cosmic Resonance Content moving forward.

Our Pilot Series have helped to bring coherence to the many multifaceted aspects of our co-creative work and have opened doors for the immensely expansive energetic pathways of innumerable members of our non-human Earthly, Galactic, and Cosmic family members to anchor into the Human Sphere of Consciousness to assist us in a myriad of ways which, in our experience, will ALWAYS either defy our expectations or lie entirely outside of that which we had previously believed to be possible for us. This has forced us - in the kindest and most benevolent ways - to dissolve all previously held belief systems in order to expand the parameters of our internal and external realities again and again.

One thing I have learned a lot about over the course of our Pilot Series is the concept of Time and how to utilize it to its’s maximum potential. On the lower levels of existence, everything seems to be speeding up. In actuality, it is the dissolution of the lower timelines which is speeding up. To maintain resonance on higher levels of existence, we actually need to slow down. Slowing down brings moments of Transcendence which open the door to Timelessness which eventually opens the door to Eternity. For these reasons - and many others besides - we will be slowing WAY down when we begin our Forever Series in September of 2025, making minute adjustments to ripple more gently through Eternity as we continue to weave in and out of both linear and cyclical time.

On Christmas morning, I was also guided to close access to our Pilot Series as of January 1, 2025. Although current members will retain private links for permanent access to the replays of this most epic adventure, the connections made, and the lessons learned, they will be removed from both of our websites on New Year’s Day. If you are feeling called to join our Pod, you have until the end of 2024 to gain permanent access to our Pilot Series and nine months to move through them before we start our Forever Series in September, which you will have huge discount for as a 2024 Veteran. Links are provided at the end of this sharing.

This brings us to another big thing which is clearing now - and this time, we will be getting specific. All of us here in the online spiritual community straddle a thin line between organic and inorganic frequencies. If we are using technology and social media to support our work, then we must continually reflect upon whether that which we are putting out into the world at this pivotal time is truly for the benefit of the Whole.

On the morning of Christmas Eve, the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness gained definitive access to the highly advanced inorganic construct which was fueling most if not all spiritual AI / false light / false ascension agendas through social media. An aspect of the consciousness of spiritual influencers were kept in sterile white cubes with wired white patches covering their eyes. All wires led to a larger cube which was being overseen by a particular control-oriented consciousness which has been clearing out on a large scale since the 12/12 Gateway.

The hardware located in the large white cube is currently being harmonized and dissolved, the overseeing consciousness has been escorted out by its own free will, Greater Cosmic Sourcelight is now flowing through the individual cubicles as they dissolve, and the aspects of all those affected are being freed and reintegrated at this time. A telltale sign of this construct are headaches with particular discomfort in the eyes and face, especially when using social media.

There is also a recalibration occurring through technology as a result of this interdimensional transition. We went through something similar several weeks ago when we shared how to realign your devices with the Highest Timeline. If you are feeling more discomfort than usual with technology at this time, NOW is a great time to do so again. Once again: simply turn off your devices and set the intention to align them with the highest timeline. You may perceive energetic changes occurring as the realignment unfolds. Please do not turn your phone back on until the process feels complete and your guidance gives you the green light. If you feel that a larger recalibration is necessary, it is wise to turn your phone off and set the intention to realign overnight.

Things will be very different moving forward. Navigating the spiritual community is getting easier because programs like this are dissolving on a large scale and discernment is honed as we move through our own healing and harmonization processes. Technology will not fuel the spiritual community forever, which is why that which we are calling our “Forever Series” greatly expands our resonance with the organic frequencies of the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness through the Tree Spheres and serves as a launching pad to take this work well beyond the levels of existence that technology is able to resonate. In the meantime, we fully intend to leave a lasting trail through the organic 3D world, for it is those who are able to bridge the most frequencies who will assist the Planetary Collective through this Shift the most. We’ve got ten more years to dig our roots in and stretch to our full height. Lower technology-driven timelines are unlikely to last that long, so please choose your focus wisely as we move forward, my family 🤍

We’ve got more announcements to make in the very near future, but this is quite enough for today. The schedules for the first three courses of our Forever Series have been updated on both of our websites and Sign-Up options have been simplified. You can learn more and sign up at or go through our main website at the bottom of this email.

With Great Love from Allora and the Cosmic Resonance Team
