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Timeline Interplay & Accelerated Transitions
A Cosmic Collective Update
A Cosmic Collective Update: Timeline Interplay & Accelerated Transitions
Many people have been noticing a difference in the way we have been perceiving and experiencing Timelines since the Hurriflare event during the second week of October. Some people may be seeing and experiencing it in a similar way as what we are about to share, and some people may be seeing and experiencing it differently. As far as I can tell, the highest Collective timeline was fully anchored in on a planetary level via the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness and the Cycling of the Waters during the Storm Felt Around the World which was immediately followed by an extended KP8 Solar Influx. For clarity, the combination of all of these things is what we are calling the Hurriflare event.
The individual experience of the Highest Timeline - and all timelines - will always remain subjective in nature, but from our perspective, the highest Collective timeline had been slowly but steadily materializing in the weeks and months before Millie’s arrival (I am convinced that Connie Kean’s idea to change the storm’s name to Millie in order to maintain resonance with her Divine Feminine energy was key in holding the highest harmonic space for our area), and it was brought into a definitive form just days before she made landfall directly over us.
As Millie moved towards us at as little as 8 miles an hour, people all over the world scrambled around dead-end timelines and scenarios and (hopefully) learned some valuable lessons about co-creating our collective reality in a responsible way. Meanwhile, here at the epicenter of her trajectory, we were busy strengthening and expanding the Cosmic Resonance Timeline within what remains of linear time. Due largely to the assistance of innumerable members of our human and non-human Soul Family, including many of you who are reading this update now, the Cosmic Resonance Timeline and the Highest Collective Timeline are now one and the same.
Feeling the peace, the expansion, the strength, and the stability of this timeline even through the eye of a hurricane leaves absolutely no room for doubt. To those who stood unwaveringly beside us - even from halfway around the world - your stolid persistence and dedicated intention for the highest outcome for All is held in the highest regard in all the Cosmos. All which comes to pass upon this planet affects the Whole of Conscious Creation, so it is truly time for all of us to step into the power of our responsibility - and the responsibility of our power - to co-create our Collective Reality in full Harmony with the Whole. However we choose to do this within linear time is what will lead us to our Highest Timeline.
Because everyone’s Highest Timeline resonates in full Harmony with the Whole, everyone’s Highest Timelines will also resonate in full Harmony with one another. All of this is relevant to this update because even though the highest Collective timeline has been anchored in - whatever that may look like from your perspective - those of us who are ready to fully align with it Now seem to be moving through the final stages of dissolving or merging the last of our “lower” timelines. It is here where the visual image accompanying this update will become very helpful.
Although we chose not to complicate things by including numbered dimensions within this image, I am being shown that the highest timeline resonates mostly within what could be considered 16D, but a small portion of it is accessible within 15D. This is significant because the Organic Planetary Source-Matrix exists only up to 15D, and just over the “line” between 15D and 16D lies the Harmonic Barrier into the next Harmonic Octave. In order to exit the Planetary Matrix and cross the Harmonic Barrier, one must truly be functioning in full Harmony with the Whole and must also be acting from 1000% integrity. This is what all those “tests” are about.
We can definitely resonate beyond 16D within physicality, and many people actually do so on a daily basis. The idea that we are entering 5D and/or the idea that 5D and above are non-physical is part of an agenda designed to keep us from doing the inner work required to fully embody our highest aspects of self and transcend the old system. This is why the dolphins say that Our Healing IS Our Ascension… Our “ascension” being the natural increase in consciousness and frequency which comes as a result of our own healing and harmonization processes.
The fact that a tiny sliver of the highest timeline is accessible within this planetary matrix allows those who are still functioning from within it to get a glimpse (and a feel) for it, drop back down, move through more healing processes, lessons, and tests, and realign with it as often as is necessary. Until we are resonating in full Harmony with the Whole on a CELLULAR level, our bodies will continue to resonate between the timelines which are still locked within our cellular memory in the form of past traumas, programming, and trapped emotions.
Healing the trauma, dissolving the programming, and expressing the emotion are the only ways to clear these timelines. Because there will be an accelerated alignment with the highest timeline through the end of 2024, there will also be an accelerated clearing of all lower timelines in a much more palpable way than there has been before the Hurriflare event came to pass. It is going to be very helpful to become conscious of these processes… and even more helpful to be able to perceive your timelines from a greater perspective.
Back to our image. At this point in time, there will not be many (if any) people resonating on the highest timeline with 100% of their consciousness 100% of the time because even if we believe that we have done all of our inner work (which is unlikely), we are all part of a Planetary Collective which has not. Separating from the Human Sphere of Consciousness is not supported by the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness because that would mean that we are no longer truly resonating with the Whole.
As the barriers of separation between all of us continue to dissolve, the strongest among us are learning how to use this for the highest benefit of All by increasing our capacity as conduits for the energy of the Infinite to flow through the Human Sphere of Consciousness naturally as we move through our own inner processes. In so doing, we would ideally be resonating primarily from a transitionary timeline which will merge with the highest timeline when it is fully supported on an individual level. From there, we will continue to strengthen it on a Collective level.
Dead-end timelines are not harmful in the long run, but they can be very distracting from your highest trajectory and can create one heck of a mess within linear time, so it is best to address the underlying energy, trauma, program, or scenario as soon as possible in order to resolve it before it reaches its endpoint, which could play out in a variety of situations.
Descending timelines are a very real thing, but long, drawn-out ones are usually only seen in people who are unwilling to self-reflect and enough to do the inner work which is required to come into Harmony with the Whole… or at least with the rising frequencies of this Greater Cosmic Alignment. Descending timelines will naturally reach a state of fragmentation as time goes by. Normally, when one timeline ends, the conscious experience simply jumps to another one, but if there is no aspect of a person’s consciousness resonating upon the highest timeline at any point in linear time, then their consciousness will be become increasingly fragmented as we transition to the next Harmonic Octave as a Planetary Collective. Once again, the endpoint of these timelines can play out in a variety of ways.
The last type of timeline to be presented to my conscious awareness is a short repetitive experience which comes as a result of an internal program which is running on repeat. This often plays out as having a decent amount of energy for a few days or weeks and then crashing and resetting just to do it all over again. This type of pattern should be addressed immediately. If you are seeking clarity on any one of the scenarios above as they pertain to you, please do not hesitate to reach out through our remote sessions page at https://dolphinresonance.org/remote-healing. We will evaluate the situation and decide whether a full session is necessary to address the issue(s) or if it is something which can be addressed more quickly.
As all of this plays out on an internal, individual level, it is also playing out on a Collective and Planetary level. We still have a choice as to whether we align with lower timelines and agendas in regards to floods, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, solar flares, etc., or whether we can recognize them as catalysts for a greater level of Harmony with the Whole and align with the highest timeline of their unfoldment within linear time. This will always require us to maintain our focus upon the bigger picture. With so many timelines at play, especially in big events like this, we must remember how very differently people can be experiencing the same event within linear time. From a higher perspective, the greater purpose behind the huge increase in these events is in closing down lower collective timelines.
Over the past couple of weeks I have witnessed the rapid dissolution of what could be considered the Underworld. As Collective and Planetary paradigms converge, paradigms featuring an Underworld are merging with paradigms which feature an Organic and Harmonic Planetary Core, so lower astral levels and underground chambers are being illuminated from below on a large scale. Innumerable souls have been freed in this process, particularly through the window of October for 31st.
The fact that we are moving through these accelerated transitions at the time of the US elections is assisting in eliminating as many lower agendas as possible. From my perspective, it does seem that more people are tuning out of the human-level drama. More people are also becoming aware of the more multidimensional influences that play. Our next challenge is to hold space for a government which is resonating in full Harmony with the Greater Whole. What would that look like? What would that feel like?
The Cosmic Resonance Team understands that we would most effectively hold space for this from the highest timeline, so that is exactly what we will be doing on November 5. It is Heart Expansion Day in our Cosmic Activation Series as we continue to move through the processes of aligning with our Highest Timelines as we come into a greater level of Harmony with the Whole on a Cellular Level. You can learn more and check out the Cosmic Resonance Timeline at https://cosmicresonance.org/zoom-gatherings.
Another interesting thing which is happening with all of this timeline interplay… and maybe this is a Florida thing, as this does seem to be Ground Zero of the “New Earth”… but your text messages and calls are not just getting delayed and dropped due to faulty phone service. It is because we are moving from a linear time experience to a vibrational experience, so timelines need to align for messages to go through, and they need to stay aligned for calls not to be dropped. You may notice that there is often, if not always, Divine timing at play when these things happen.
It goes without saying that physical and energetic sensations have been getting increasingly intense for many. We are not leaving physicality as we rise in consciousness, but our bodies and our realities themselves are becoming more energetic and pliable as they come back into harmony with the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness. The more conscious we become of this experience and the more we share with one another, the more easily we are able to move through this transition together 🤍
With Great Love from Hazel and the Cosmic Resonance Team