The Future of Cosmic Resonance

February Schedule & More

The Future of Cosmic Resonance

From now on, our new Zooms will be held once a week on Sundays. We get to rename them Sunday Zooms sooner than planned as we have rescheduled our next Sharing & Discussion to this Sunday in order to allow the effects of Γ‰owyn to ripple through the Collective and to interweave with the rippling changes which continue to unfold here in America.

I have lost count of how many major paradigm-shifting, planetary-level events that we have been holding space for on behalf of the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness over the past week but we will speak about all of them on Sunday, by which time we will finally be back to paradisiacal weather and are forecasted to have beautiful conditions for the foreseeable future!

Due to the immense multidimensional changes which have been taking place, we are shifting our plans for next week and have received a tentative schedule for February which will best assist the Collective at this time.


February 2: ReTruthing

Our cells listen to every word we say and every thought we have. Our thoughtforms - whether verbalized or not - greatly affect our bodies and shape our experience of reality. We will move through a simple but life-changing exercise to reroute the neural pathways which have been created by repetitive thoughtforms in order bring our bodies and our lives into a greater level of Harmony.

February 9: Multidimensional Discernment

The multidimensional world is being illuminated at a very fast pace. As different levels of consciousness become more easily accessible, it is very necessary to expand our perspective in order to establish and maintain a high level of discernment as we navigate uncharted territory moving forward. It’s a lot more simple than you think 🀍

February 16: Clearing Past Relationships

Moving back to our originally planned content, we will tap back into the Tree Spheres to assist us in clearing residual energy from past (and present) relationships. This works to harmonize our roots so that we are not being pulled in so many directions energetically.

February 23: Mirroring

As we move back towards Unity Consciousness as a Planetary Collective, it is SO important to fully innerstand that we are all reflections of one another because we are all part of a greater Whole. Here we will discuss this in depth with some helpful visuals. We will also learn how to use the concept of mirroring to its maximum potential in order to assist in self-reflection, healing, and harmonization processes.

Schedules and Live Zoom Links have been posted under Sunday Zooms on our Thinkific Platform. All replays will go in our Cellular Liberation Series.

Please help us keep this content freely available by supporting Cosmic Resonance. Support options are posted under every video in our Cellular Liberation Series and will also be at the bottom of every email we send out. We’ve got some big goals for 2025 which include a major relocation which will be key in taking our work to the next level. We are not stopping anytime soon but we do need your support now more than ever 🀍

If you moved through our powerful Ancestral Clearing with the assistance of Γ‰owyn, we hope to see you on Sunday to share your experience of this next-level passage in addition to everything else which is unfolding now 🀍 Thank you to the Brave Ones who continue to show up, step up, and Share for the benefit of the Collective! You are leading the way for others to follow 🀍 Every contribution brings more stability and solidarity to the Field.

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Photo: First blue sky in days here in SWFL illustrating the Multidimensional Harmonization achieved during this deep dive πŸ¬πŸ‹πŸ©΅


Cosmic Resonance is in Transition in 2025 🀍 The content that we are offering freely is supporting the Collective on a large scale, and we need your support in the months leading up to a big relocation which will allow us to take our work to the next level yet again. Our Forever Series starts in September from Southern Oregon! With gratitude, here are some support options to help us get there:

Individual donations: multiple payment platforms available at 

Monthly Support: Sign up early for our Forever Series with an official Pod Membership. Includes Live Weekly Zoom attendance every Sunday starting February 2 🀍 

Infinite Gratitude package: Sign up for permanent access to our Forever Series with a Forever Pod Membership 🀍 

With Great Love from Allora and the Cosmic Resonance Team
