A Post-Eclipse Cosmic Collective Update

A Post-Eclipse Cosmic Collective Update: Merging Timelines, Letting Go of Old Stories, Transcending Collective Cataclysm Loops, and Healing Major Existential Splits

It has been over one week since the eclipse, and because we have made great progress upon the mergence of all of the major timelines which have been at play throughout this passage, we may now discuss them with no emotional charge and no agenda other than to take a step back and bring the reader’s awareness to a greater repeating pattern in order to accelerate the processes of transcending it on a collective level.

There are many who are thirsty for an unbiased history of this planet at this time, and to this we would suggest having patience. Quite recently, the Akashic records were expunged of all which no longer serves the healing and harmonization processes of the collective and our subsequent realignment to a level of existence which resonates at a higher capacity with the Whole during this great Cosmic Alignment. This expungement has been reflected upon the internet, where you may notice much less unnecessary information is available to distract you from your inner processes.

Your personal Akashic records are easily accessible within your cellular memory. In order to remain objective in our interpretation of our collective history - which is literally in the process of being rewritten in a multitude of ways - it is necessary to be able to move beyond our personal roles and see from the perspective of the Whole. It is only then that we are able to perceive the greater purpose behind all things, learn our own unique lessons, and shift our present trajectory in order to do our part to dissolve these repeating patterns on a collective level. Between some words about our current circumstances, a few unbiased snippets of history are being shared because it will be clear by the end of this update how relevant they are to what is happening now, especially as so many of us were incarnated within the civilizations we will be discussing.

Letting go of old stories on a cellular level is a very necessary part of anchoring our highest timelines within physicality, but for learning purposes and for healing purposes, it is important to let them go from a state of awareness and not from a state of ignorance. There are many who have been speaking about this Shift in Consciousness for years but have yet to move through the very physical processes of embodying it, and similarly, there are those who have been moving through these embodiment processes with little to no idea of how much they are assisting in this Shift in Consciousness. It would obviously be counterproductive to delve into these stories anywhere near as much as we could, so as we touch upon them, we would ask you to become aware of which ones most trigger your cellular memory, where you feel them in your body, and what this might mean for you.

There is more to these stories than meets the eye as each one of them is but a shadow of a Higher Truth which remains accessible beyond linear time, and in a way, nothing was ever truly lost which cannot be regained in some form or another. We are not simply healing from the fall of these civilizations because they all existed upon a multitude of timelines. We are healing a repetitive pattern of Splits - large gaps between timelines which reflect a strong and sudden pull between the upper and lower levels of society which led to an existential split in the form of a cataclysm or a plague. We are not speaking of these levels of society in terms of wealth as much as we are speaking in terms of vibrational frequency and core motivations.

Many have fallen out of resonance with the idea that we are repeating this pattern by heading for yet another collective split during this great Cosmic Alignment. In reality, we are doing the opposite: we are moving into an unprecedented opportunity to heal ALL of these collective splits in order to function in a much higher level of Unity as a Planetary Collective and eventually as a Galactic and Cosmic Collective. The moon was specifically created before the first cataclysmic split to keep us looping through this repeating pattern with less and less intensity until we could learn our lessons, dissolve these trauma loops, and close these large timeline gaps in order to tap back into the Highest Truth on a collective level once again.

We cannot tell you what your personal role has been within these trauma loops and what personal lessons there are to learn from them, but your cellular memory can. It should be understood that the more we have utilized our cellular memory to take responsibility for our human bloodlines and “past” lives, the more we have taken responsibility for the collective, the greater a role we will play in this planetary transition, and the more we will be clearing through our cellular memory at this time. Many of us chose bloodlines and played “past” life roles which were strategically planned from higher levels of existence just so that we could collapse these lower timelines, dissolve these trauma loops, and bring all of these old stories to a close in the moment when all things would come full circle once again. For many of us, that moment is Now.

Some may consider it to be taboo to suggest what others may be holding within their cellular memory and/or to initiate the processes of cellular liberation prematurely, especially when it comes to “past” lives and ancestral trauma, but we maintain that we are doing neither of these things. Given the nature of our audience, the reader will almost certainly know whether they played a role in these stories or not. Based upon our observations, these collective loops have been dissolving on a mass scale regardless of our level of awareness. Our goal is to bring a greater level of ease and understanding to these processes. Additionally, our bodies are wise enough to assure that our own inner processes will not be initiated before we are prepared to move through them. Regardless, you are under no obligation to read any further if you do not feel ready to be consciously aware of any role you may be playing in dissolving these collective loops in order to anchor the highest timeline within physicality during this great Cosmic Alignment.

For ease of access and to make the length of this update appear more manageable, we have split it into the following sections:

Eclipse Access Points

The Egypt Split

The Atlantis Split

The Tiamat Split

Closing the Gaps

Physical & Energetic Sensations

Current Unfoldments


Eclipse Access Points

In North America most specifically, the first loop to close is the 7 Year loop between the 2017 and 2024 eclipses. Regardless of what they have looked like for you, the past seven years have been a gift because they will be a good indicator of the greater patterns which are also coming to a close at this time.

As many are aware, there are groups of Beings who have attempted to utilize the moon for inharmonic and control-oriented purposes because they do not have the capacity to see the greater purpose behind its construction aeons ago. To briefly address this, it is necessary to start at the very bottom with the lowest timeline which is (/was) functioning from the deepest levels of separation from the Whole, which many of us cleared directly through our cellular memory during the eclipse passage.

The Cosmic Resonance Team and I became aware of the interplay between a certain particle accelerator - which is literally a giant loop - and certain substances which were sprayed into the sky on a mass scale during the eclipse to serve a specific agenda which relies upon an artificially created alignment with the lower levels of a certain star system by inorganic structures upon this planet, upon the moon, and beyond. This timeline has become extremely fragmented since the eclipse as we quickly realigned with the Whole with the assistance of many Harmonic Cosmic races who are now utilizing this interstellar connection to harmonize the influence it has had upon the evolution of human society for many thousands of years as well as its interference in our ongoing healing and harmonization processes well before this piece of technology was built upon the ground.

The particle accelerator in question was originally built to explore the existence of the “God particle” which was named after the scientist who discovered it, but in recent years, it has been utilized to generate antimatter to support a greater antimatter feedback loop spanning many levels of existence. The higher levels of this feedback loop have been dissolved with the assistance of many Cosmic Races over the past few months leading up to the restart of this particle accelerator during the eclipse on April 8, and as we know, it’s original creator and the discoverer of the God particle left his physical form upon this particular timeline on that day. Regardless, any inharmonic agendas utilizing this piece of technology are no longer supported from higher levels of existence. For those who are still concerned about this situation, it deserves repeating that nothing gets by without the full conscious awareness of the Whole. This planetary shift is far too important to be overridden by the free will of the few.

As we return our attention to the eclipse itself, it should also be understood that time and space are nothing from the perspective of the Infinite Spiral of Creation and all those who live and work in harmony with it. This became clearer than ever as I sat with the dolphins at the Pod Playground during totality and watched the Cosmic Pegasi clear a large amount of karmic residue from both the 2017 and 2024 paths of totality and begin to utilize both eclipse pathways to clear a large amount of karmic residue from elsewhere in the country.

It is my understanding that the Pegasi and other Cosmic Races are in the process of doing the same with all other eclipse pathways around the world regardless of when their respective eclipses took place within linear time. The photo accompanying this post spans a 40 year period, and the moon has been in existence for at least several hundreds of thousands of years of linear time. These access points are the primary means by which so many timelines are currently clearing, dissolving, harmonizing, and/or merging all around the world. These changes are being reflected within each and every one of us, which is why many are feeling a much greater level of inner harmony and are suddenly able to make greater life changes in order to bring their outer world into the same level of harmony as their inner world.

The Egypt Split

It is no coincidence that so many American cities along the path of totality bore the same name as Egyptian cities and that the Mississippi bears a strong energetic connection to the Nile. The next loop will be very telling for our current circumstances for the many well-documented similarities between what happened during two total solar eclipses during the reign of Akhenaten at the end of the 18th dynasty of Egypt and that which is happening in America today. It is up to us to learn our lessons from this story so as not to repeat that which came to pass in the years which followed on a collective level once again, and instead, to hold space for new stories to unfold for the entirety of the collective and not just the few.

In addition to two Solar Eclipses, Akhenaten would have experienced at least two solar maximums in his lifetime, and all of this likely inspired the deep solar connection of the Amarna period. The first Solar Eclipse which occurred at the beginning of his reign in 1351 BC was only visible from Southern Egypt and coincided with the unprecedented shift in the artistic style of the Amarna period which depicted intimate family scenes beneath the nurturing rays of the Sun.

There is speculation that Akhenaten purposefully founded his new city of Akhetaten squarely in the path of totality of the second eclipse over Egypt in 1338 BC nine years before it actually occurred. Now called Amarna, this city was built in worship of the Aten (The Sun-Disc) which would take precedence over all other gods of Egypt in order to override a corrupt priesthood which held power over the masses. However, Akhenaten maintained that only he and the Royal Family - his wife Nefertiti and their six daughters - could commune directly with the Aten.

A series of unfortunate events coincided with the Total Solar Eclipse over Amarna in Akhenaten’s 15th year as Pharaoh and his reign lasted only two years longer before the royal family met their end at the hands of a biblical plague, complete with hoards of locusts (cicadas) and widespread illness. Akhenaten’s ambitious former military commander Paatenemheb/Horemheb finally achieved his life’s ambition to become Pharaoh after the short reigns of Akhenaten’s famous son Tutankhaten/Tutanhkamun and the elderly vizier Ay. The dual names of Tutankhamun and Horemheb are reflective of the abandonment of the Aten and a return to the traditional polytheistic priesthood, the restoration of which Horemheb personally saw to first as the chief advisor to the young Tut and the elderly Ay and later when he became Pharaoh himself.

Horemheb took it a step further by assigning loyal military commanders as the high priests of each temple so that the priesthood would not defy him. As the priesthood and the military were both controlled at their highest levels by the same group of beings who have been pulling the strings of human society for thousands of years of linear time, this was the beginning of the fall of Egyptian society from a high civilization to a military-controlled state which utilized religious propaganda to control the masses, a tactic which continues in the Middle East to this day.

It is unclear how much Akhenaten and Nefertiti became aware of when they broke away from this paradigm in the first place, but it is clear that they did not have the widespread support, awareness, and resources to lead Egypt out of the control paradigm for good, even though the Egyptian people generally followed unquestioningly the word of those in power, especially when they claimed to have the favor of a God. This made it easy for Horemheb to restore a system of control over the masses and erase as much of the royal family and the Amarna period from history as he could.

Because of this, we have no idea how things played out upon higher levels of existence. But even upon the lowest timeline, Horemheb’s biggest secret - one that you will not find within any historical record - is that both his AND Akhenaten’s bloodlines were carried through to the 19th Dynasty which began with his hand-picked successor, Rameses I. And because of THIS, we have a very good handle on anchoring in a higher timeline for Egypt after all these years.

Nowadays, people have learned to think for themselves and to use discernment with the words of others, even those in positions of power. Additionally, the incarnation of millions of Starseeds as well as the increased Presence and assistance of our Cosmic and Galactic families has assured that we will not fall quietly back into the control paradigm again, and as we learn our lessons from Egypt and other civilizations, the timelines associated with these trauma loops are dissolving.

The Atlantis Split

As we bring our awareness to older and more far-reaching trauma loops which are dissolving now, the intensity rises. This means that these loops are becoming less intense with each cycle of time, and while this is good news for the present moment, it also means that as we clear these older collective traumas from our cellular memory, the accompanying sensations may also be more intense and the associated timelines which are arising to be dissolved may seem very real in the present moment.

Although I have kept my scrolling to a minimum throughout this passage, I have seen that many readers have become aware of the rapid dissolution of the lower Atlantean timelines, which has been an ongoing theme that we haven’t quite gotten to the bottom of after all this time. Atlantis was just as multidimensional as the world is today, if not more so. Because there were so many timelines at play and so many of them are currently being dissolved, rewritten, and harmonized, the Team is guiding me to take great care in what I share here as we continue to work through the Atlantean timelines together with some ancient races who have come forward wholeheartedly to assist at this time.

We know that Atlantis sank upon the lower timelines due to self-serving choices, a loss of spirituality, an overreliance upon technology, medical and genetic experimentation, a hyper-focus on the material world, and aggressive tendencies. Although it’s location has not been discovered, there is a general consensus that it was in close proximity to the Americas, perhaps even part of the Caribbean. Due to the similarities which brought the downfall of Atlantis and the tendencies of mainstream American society today, it is no surprise that a timeline in which the US mainland is inundated with seawater is being pushed upon the masses at this time.

We would reiterate that what we consider to be our sole physical reality is in fact multidimensional. Many have had dreams about the inundation of the mainland for years. It is worth considering whether you may be witnessing the end of a lower timeline in dream time so that you may experience a higher one within physicality. This is the nature of many of the death processes that we move through, both in our dreams and within waking life. They are simply an opportunity to leave lower and denser timelines and programs behind in order to shift into a higher version of reality. As a rule, we do not leave these vessels behind completely until we choose to do so - we simply shift our conscious awareness to a different timeline until all of our lessons have been learned. This is why those who appear to have crossed over are still available beyond what we perceive as physicality.

Two maps of an inundated US mainland have been brought to our attention in recent months. The first was created by the US Navy. This is understandable to me as the Pod and I have been resonating with what could be considered “New Earth” for many years, and in this space where all things are known and all things are perceived in conjunction with the Whole, we are aware that there is no way that the US Navy will be resonating at this level of existence with the way it is functioning now, so it makes sense that they, at least, would attempt to carry on this Atlantean timeline loop to its end. It does not mean that they will succeed in anchoring it on a collective level… so it is here where we must be careful as to which future reality we are aligning with.

The second map is more disconcerting because it seems to be circulating amongst incarnated Starseeds who came here to assure that these timelines do not repeat themselves. Because time and space are an illusion, I can tell you from experience that it is also possible to clear traumatic future timelines from our cellular memory. If we wish to hold space for the highest timeline to anchor within physicality, then it is not only possible, it is also necessary.

Even if they are considered works of fiction, two plays written by the Greek historian Plato entitled Timaeus and Critias are very effective in tapping into the higher timelines of Atlantis. If you are working through trauma from the lower Atlantean timelines, we would highly recommend looking into these to assist you through your Cellular Liberation processes.

The Tiamat Split

The islands of Atlantis were simply a rebuild of what the glorious islands of Tiamat came to be when they began to be utilized in a similar manner upon the lower levels of existence created by her later inhabitants. We have painted a glorious picture of Tiamat’s original form in previous updates. In her lower forms, she was known by a different name which does not reflect her true beauty. Many who are reading this have memories of Tiamat, and many more were Present but are not yet ready to remember.

We have spoken much of Tiamat so we would only add a few key points which are relevant to this transmission. The lower timelines of Tiamat leading down to the level of her destruction bore many similarities to the lower timelines of Atlantis except that the situation was much worse and much more widespread. The similarities occurred because the islands of Atlantis and other areas of this planet were inhabited by the survivors of what was once a habitable moon of Tiamat. We now know it as the planet Mars whose atmosphere was lost during the the planetary explosion. There were no survivors from the lower levels of Tiamat itself.

The Earth was created from her remnants for the healing of all souls involved in the long fall and the catastrophic destruction of this mighty planet, from which there are many lessons to be learned, mostly about responsible creation and co-creation. Atlantis was sunk to prevent a similar downfall from continuing upon the Earth. As stated in a previous update, our current moon was created in the final days of Tiamat, and it is currently being utilized to serve a very great purpose in closing all loops which were set into motion at that time.

Many of Earth’s inhabitants have more recent stories of planetary creation, recreation, birth, and rebirth, but this is the most ancient story told to me by the Eternal Cosmic Races as well as the Eternal forms of the stars and planets themselves, including Tiamat Eternal and Gaia Core herself. The eternal form of Gaia is Tiamat, and she is still very much accessible. We are aligning more with her every day.

As far as the processes of Cellular Liberation for the souls who were Present at the time of the destruction, there is something very important that we must consider. Tiamat was over ten times the size of the Earth today, so all those incarnated upon her were also much larger. This means that their hearts were larger, their energy fields were larger, and the physical, energetic, and emotional feelings that were felt upon Tiamat were also much greater.

Healing from the great Cosmic wound of Tiamat within these human bodies is what many of us are here for, and in a way, all of the smaller trauma loops which mimic this greatest of cataclysms in different ways serve a higher purpose in unwinding our cells enough to be liberated from a much greater physical and emotional trauma. So as we unwind these loops from the inside out, we must trust in the infinite wisdom of our bodies to move through these processes at their own pace by taking our logical minds out of the picture. That is why it is wise to maintain a loose awareness rather than a firm grip upon all of these stories and any others which may be coming up for you from other times and places so that they may all be rewritten in the only place that truly matters - within our cellular memory… for it is only here where the past and the future are both as mutable as the present moment.

Closing the Gaps

If we can expand our perception to the higher timelines of each one of these civilizations - the magnificent splendor of the High Egyptian timelines, the most sacred wisdom teachings of the High Atlantean timelines, and the paradisiacal Cosmic Hub of Tiamat, all of which are still accessible beyond linear time - then as stated earlier, we would find that these trauma loops are leading us beyond the downfall of the lower levels of these civilizations; they are presenting an opportunity to heal a split somewhere within the spectrum of Truths of each of these collectives which has created a large gap between their lower timelines and their higher ones.

In order to do so, we must remember that when we are functioning as One with the Whole, we are bigger and more ancient than all of these stories… even Tiamat. We are vast and eternal even as we maintain our Presence in human form upon the Earth at this time. In order to let go of these old stories and dissolve their lower timelines, we must accept them for exactly what they are while simultaneously remaining connected to the Whole in order to literally rewrite them from the inside out by finding the places where they still exist within our bodies and infusing them with the love or the joy or even just the gratitude or the relaxation that we find within the present moment. Only then may we close these gaps within ourselves in order to be reflected outwardly into the collective.

If you are unable to find any of these things - love, joy, peace, gratitude, or relaxation - within your current state of Being, it is possible that you are still living out a trauma loop, in which case it may be be helpful to do something entirely out of the ordinary to gain a greater perspective on what you are moving through. Interacting with the Collective and finding enjoyment in Earthly experiences is just as important as taking plenty of time in solitude with Nature so that we may reconnect with the Whole without distraction.

It is necessary to bridge all of the gaps within our current lifetimes because they are reflective of the greater gaps we have just spoken of… and more. There is a difference between being self-oriented and oriented towards the ENTIRE collective, not just the gifted, just as there is a difference between being trauma-oriented and trauma-informed. The only way to fully reclaim our gifts within physicality is to work through the traumas which deactivated them in the first place, and it takes a certain level of mastery and a great deal of assistance to do so without ever losing sight of the bigger picture.

Part of the reason that these trauma loops are getting less intense is because the upper and lower levels of society have been merging as the collective becomes one giant melting pot. It is actually easier to merge 8 billion individual timelines than it is to merge two giant ones, so the main gaps to merge within our daily lives in order to stop repeating patterns are the ones we perceive between ourselves and the collective. Times are changing, and those who choose to remain stubbornly unaware of how interconnected we all are - not only with one another, but with the Whole of Creation, including that which was once considered to be a higher power - are becoming more and more of a minority.

Physical and Energetic Sensations

The physical and energetic experiences through this eclipse passage have been many and varied. During the eclipse itself and the couple of days which followed, we may have felt some intense sensations in the head and neck, possibly with a greater intensity on one side. This would have been highly intertwined with the energetics of the lowest timeline first spoken of in this update and anchored into our physical vessels mostly through the inorganic substances which were sprayed into the sky. As we cleared our bodies and began to reconnect with the Whole in order to dissolve this timeline within ourselves, it continued to fragment on a collective level, and these sensations should have subsided.

Most of the greater trauma loops discussed have been anchored within the lower three chakra centers, so there has most likely been a lot of intensity in the lower body over the past week which may still be ongoing. Stretching, moving your body, and interacting with others in order to bring you out of a space of hyper-focus upon these sensations is going to be very helpful in tapping back into the present moment and dissolving all which is coming up for you from other moments in time.

The root chakra is our sense of Presence and safety. Find somewhere that it feels safe for you to be fully present and begin to consciously relax this area of your body. This is where stretching helps - a lot. The sacral chakra is our center of nurturance and community, two things which humanity has been falling increasingly out of touch with. In order to heal this most successfully, we must find a nurturing community. Our solar plexus is our center of personal empowerment which the energy of control has attempted to override for a very long stretch of linear time. Find that which empowers you and assure that you are in the presence of those who support it.

The top and the bottom of the spine will always mirror one another both physically and energetically. This means that the solar plexus and the throat chakra will mirror one another, especially as they are directly connected by a sheath of fascia. Issues within the lower two chakras may also be reflected within the throat but are more likely to be reflected within the head. It is important to remember this while moving through your Cellular Liberation processes as we all continue to unwind from this intense eclipse passage and all of the greater repeating patterns it is bringing up for us.

Because the majority of our readers are female, it is important to understand that a lot of density may be clearing through the breasts at this time, not only from the areas surrounding the heart, but from the connection between the breasts and the womb, our center of nurturance. It is important to move the beast tissues on a regular basis to encourage lymph flow and avoid a buildup of density in one particular area. Please be aware that depending upon what you are holding within these tissues, moving this density may bring the body into a systemic detox which should clear within 24 hours or so with plenty of water intake and some greater body movement such as stretching, walking, swimming, or light exercise.

If you do find a particular area of density, please be aware that despite the deep programming associated with such cellular anomalies, you have a choice as to how you proceed with it. You are not obligated to turn these healing processes over to an industry which has been specifically developed to profit from them. As a licensed medical professional, I cannot legally advise anyone to avoid medical treatment for any reason. As a healing facilitator with personal experience in this matter, I can recommend some helpful tools which assisted me in successfully clearing multiple rounds of breast anomalies from a long line of non-nurturing human ancestors.

It goes without saying that we must also honor our emotions at this time. The state of our emotions at the time of a trauma is the greatest factor in keeping trauma-oriented stories lodged within our cellular memory at various depths depending upon how deeply we have buried them. If we do not allow our emotions to flow, then it is highly unlikely than anything else will be moving, either.

Current Undoldments

Seeing the image of the timeline mergence which was presented by the whales a week before the eclipse and actually moving through it within physicality are barely comparable, but if we are able to put aside the intensity of the accompanying physical, energetic, and emotional experiences, it begins to make more sense. It took a full week after the eclipse for both the waves in the gulf and the waves of collective energies to calm down. We have certainly been merging an immensity of timelines over the past week, and many of us have certainly witnessed some fraying timelines attempting to break away from the whole once again before being stopped promptly in their tracks.

To get very real on this subject, the latter has mostly taken the form of certain individuals acting from some deeply sadistic programming, the source of which is currently being addressed directly by some Eternal aspects of the Whole in a way that would not be very easy to put into words at this time. We can all hold space for this to be over, and if it should continue here and there, to be reassured that it is not indicative of the Whole of human society and to hold our loved ones close within the caring embrace of our communities. By now, we should all have found our Tribes - And if we haven’t, it is time to get off of the internet and go looking for them.

On a collective level, many key aspects of the control paradigm are in either a rapid state of dissolution, a rapid state of harmonization, or a combination of both. The access point(s) which were established by the Infinite Spiral of Creation during the eclipse on April 8 have given our Cosmic Family and the Greater Cosmic Source itself an unprecedented level of access to the remnants of the control paradigm beyond the illusions of space and time. We may continue to see some major changes within the financial, technological, medical, and governmental systems, especially as those who adhere strongly to self-serving and control-oriented motivations while ignoring their own inner work are increasingly unable to remain within their current physical vessels as timelines continue to merge and higher frequencies continue to flood in through this great Cosmic Alignment.

This planetary transition is still going to take time and no one said it would be easy, which is why we are some of the strongest, wisest, and most ancient souls in the Cosmos. But no one said it couldn’t also be amazing, incredible, and even fun. To be Present and actively assisting this most unprecedented homecoming is to witness first-hand some of the most magical moments of reconnection and remembrance which will ever take place within the Whole of Creation, and in my personal experience, that is where the real magic lies… and the way it looks will take us by surprise every single time.

With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team

