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- Part Two of our Cosmic Collective Update
Part Two of our Cosmic Collective Update
Eternal Astrology & Body Effects
A Cosmic Collective Update: Eternal Astrology & Body Effects (Part 2 of Transforming the Future)
Many people have been experiencing some rather extreme body effects since the time of the elections which may have been exacerbated around the time that Pluto entered Aquarius, may be continuing to this day, or may be yet to come. Based upon large-scale observation, this may take the form of cold or flu-like symptoms with added intensity. Extreme one-sided headaches have been a common addition with pain possibly extending through the ear, jaw, and/or eye. The pain may shift from one side to the other, but I have not yet heard tell of an extreme headache which is centrally focused. Throat and Solar Plexus issues may at times accompany the aforementioned along with other possible areas of discomfort.
In Part One of this Cosmic Collective Update entitled Transforming the Future (linked at the bottom of this post), we spoke exclusively of the Collective changes which are currently unfolding upon this Planetary Sphere. Part Two will shift our focus beyond our planet to the Solar, Galactic, and Universal Spheres of Consciousness and beyond, expanding our awareness of the fact that all of these Spheres of Consciousness affect our bodies as microcosms of the Greater Whole, for there is great Truth in Eckhart Tolle’s statement: “You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe.”
Astrology is a means of describing how the interplay between our Planetary, Solar, and Galactic Spheres of Consciousness affect our Personal and Collective Spheres of Consciousness. While it is not our goal to belittle anyone’s understanding of how things have been going for the past few thousand years, we would very much like to expand some perspectives from beyond the Harmonic Barrier, beneath which the majority of this Planetary Collective has been resonating in a state of separation from the Whole since a devastating planetary-level cataclysm took place some 500,000 years ago by the standards of linear time.
We will now take the illusion of linear time out of the equation altogether and speak only in the present tense, for beyond the Harmonic Barrier in what could be called the Eternal Realms, this Solar System - and indeed, all Spheres of Consciousness within this Harmonic Universe - are still resonating in their Eternal forms. The planets which determine our birth charts and influence our daily lives as well as greater Collective unfoldments look entirely different and hold entirely different energies upon these levels of existence which are resonating in full Harmony with the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness beyond all distortion.
As we heal from the great cataclysm of Tiamat on a Personal, Planetary, Solar, and Galactic level and beyond, all Spheres of Consciousness - including all of the planets within our Solar System - are realigning with their Eternal Forms over the course of three consecutive Solar Maximums as part of the Grand Plan to bring our entire Cosmos back into Harmony with the Greater Whole. The Grand Plan was initiated - and actually fully and irreversibly anchored in to the point in which it is technically already done - during the Solar Maximum of 2014/2015. The period of time between Solar Maximums usually presents a Personal and Collective “Dark Night of the Soul” in which a break in the fast-paced intensity and a drop in the overall frequencies allows us to dive deeply into our own processes as we gather momentum to rise with the paradigm-shifting frequencies of the next Solar Maximum.
So here we are at the pinnacle of the next Solar Maximum in 2024/2025, making greater connections, learning to recognize greater patterns, becoming our own voice of reason within the subjective chaos of rapid transformation, and finding our own source of inner wisdom beyond anything we could receive from an outside source. This inner wisdom lies not within the ego mind, but in the Infinite Intelligence of every cell of the body which is resonating in full Harmony with the Heart Center as an intrinsic part of the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness, or what the dolphins call Spheres within Spheres in the image above. And so, we would once again emphasize the importance of feeling into the Highest Truth of this transmission rather than attempting to digest it with the logical mind.
A great example of the difference between modern astrology and what we will call Eternal Astrology comes with the planet Saturn, known by many as the Lord of Karma, which represents structure, law, restriction, discipline, responsibility, obligation, and ambition. We would invite you to feel into these associations on a cellular level. Once you take note of how they make you feel, we would invite you to just as quickly let them go, for we are about to rewrite them together from the Eternal Realms.
Before we do, we would say that we are well aware of the many programs which are currently in a rapid state of dissolution within Saturn’s rings upon the lower levels of existence. Saturn’s association with Karma comes largely from the Karmic Reincarnation Program which was actually dissolved during the massive KP9 Solar Influx which produced auroras as far south as the Florida Keys on May 10. It has been foretold that this would be our last lifetime to wrap up old karma, and we are now living this Truth.
Beyond the Harmonic Barrier where no technology or lower-level programs are able to exist, Saturn is known by her eternal name Arnahl. She holds none of the rigid associations that she has come to hold in lower-level astrology, but I could see how they could come to be through many layers of distortion from her much more free-flowing eternal form.
The order and structure are born of the glorious dance of ice crystals which form Arnahl’s rings, formed largely from the water of her many moons either shooting out of polar geysers or scattered from asteroid impacts or interlunar collisions. Each of Arnahl’s moons have their own vibrational frequencies and even sing their own songs in the form of the Music of the Spheres. This interplay of frequency, sound, and motion creates complex geometrical structures within the ice crystals of Arnahl’s rings which scientists cannot seem to wrap their heads around because just like this transmission, this beautiful Dance is not meant to be understood with the logical mind, but rather felt through the Heart and reverberated on a Cellular Level.
And so we would ask you how this Truth feels in your body in comparison with the lower-level associations of Saturn, and then we would ask which one you would rather have influencing your life at this time. As the dolphins so love to say, “It’s all a matter of Perspective,” and our perspectives are what determine our individual Alignments and Trajectories as we continue to move through this Greater Cosmic Alignment together.
We would Now seek to expand some perspectives about the crossing of Pluto into Aquarius. By now, we have learned that Truth is subjective and that we create our realities based upon these subjective truths. In other words, whatever we decide to be true will be true for us and will affect our lives accordingly. In modern astrology, Pluto is associated primarily with transformation and Aquarius is a very futuristic sign, so this crossing generally supports radical change which will set the stage for the future. We saw this during the last crossing of Pluto into Aquarius at the height of the American Revolution which brought U.S. independence from Great Britain, the unification of the 13 colonies, and the first flag bearing stars and stripes.
Although this is a timely reminiscence as we cross the threshold into another revolutionary shift in the USA, we would open the door to the possibility of moving through ever-expanding spirals as opposed to repetitive loops. At less than half the size of the continental U.S., Pluto is very small for a planet. In fact, it was labeled as a dwarf planet after many other nearly identical icy objects were discovered in the Kuiper Belt. Pluto happened to be the first object discovered in Kuiper Belt in 1930 and was incorrectly labeled as a planet at that time. The existence of the Kuiper Belt was first theorized in 1951 and only officially discovered in 1992. When several other Pluto-like objects were discovered among hundreds of thousands of pieces of icy space debris and over one trillion comets, Pluto was declassified as a planet in 2006.
There always comes a time for us to let the old stories go. This is the biggest part of our own Healing and Harmonization processes, and it is the biggest part of this Shift in general. Letting go of the old and stepping into the New - which quite often feels like embracing the unknown - is the only way to hold space for a future which looks and feels nothing like the past, and it is the only way to align with the Eternal Realms and our Eternal Aspects of Self. The realization that we are allowing one of many small, icy objects at the far reaches of our Solar System to explain the greater changes we are feeling and experiencing Now presents an opportunity to transcend many old stories all at once and to innerstand that no other “body” - human or celestial - influences our lives as much as our beliefs do.
The true nature of this Shift in Consciousness is so far beyond the capacity that most people are able to perceive, even those - and I would say, especially those - who have found themselves in positions of power upon this planet, and as per Part One of this update, we are speaking of those of both human and non-human origin. We are all in the same boat now, and our ability to navigate this Shift comfortably and successfully depends entirely upon our level of resonance with the Greater Whole. We would emphasize that we are referring to the Greater ORGANIC Whole, for any piece of technology or artificial intelligence which is not resonating in full Harmony with the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness will be counterproductive to the Healing and Harmonization processes which are unfolding naturally as part of this Greater Cosmic Alignment.
Going hand-in-hand with all of the things mentioned in Part One, the dissolution of many layers of technology has been one of the biggest factors in the timeline rearrangement and intense body clearing that many are experiencing now. Many people who had not previously been perceiving or experiencing any funky AI energies have been feeling a resurgence of them since the elections. We would say two things about this - one is that it is not “coming back”, it is being unveiled and illuminated along with everything else upon the Lower Collective Timeline as we finally establish a Harmonic Baseline for the Collective at large. Many who have begun to master the multidimensional art of timeline navigation are aware when a lower-level “merge” is unfolding and are able to hold space for the harmonization and integration of deeper levels of the Collective Consciousness within their own realities.
Two is that in order to clear something at its deepest roots, we must always come face-to-face with it in some form or another. Everything which is cleared on a Collective Level must still be cleared on the individual Cellular Level. We have observed that once the physical aspects of this clearing are complete, people are finding a greater level of clarity in their higher perceptual abilities and are better able to hold Harmonic Space in a variety of situations. It may take time to move through this clearing completely as there are many timelines and dimensions at play, and we must also hold space for those around us to move through these processes - and all processes - at their own pace.
We would leave you now with another taste of Eternal Astrology. Although Pluto bears no significant influence in the Eternal Realms, we will now test the waters of receptivity to something which would very much rewrite the Astrology which we have come to know in modern times. In the Eternal Realms where Tiamat is still Whole, she has many moons like her sister Arnahl which also allow for an intricate interplay of frequency and form… with a few added factors.
Tiamat is a Water Planet. The remnants of her islands make up the asteroid belt upon the lower levels of existence, but in the Eternal Realms, they actually move around her Great Ocean to align with three layers of Celestial objects - her moons, each of them resonating with a different harmonic frequency and color to reflect each of the 16 Cosmic Rays, most of them teeming with life; the other planets of this Solar System; and, of course, the Stars. There are many Solar and Lunar Eclipses and many Planetary, Interplanetary, and Interstallar Alignments. The Songs and Frequencies of all of these Spheres of Consciousness are encoded into the Waters of Tiamat and echoed by the Cetaceans and other aquatic species, some of them humanoid in form. All of the life forms upon Tiamat take the forms of the Cosmic Founding Races which contributed to the creation of this beautiful Planetary Sphere, a true gem which functions as a great Cosmic Hub within this Harmonic Universe and Beyond.
Upon the levels of existence that we find ourselves now, the four innermost planets of our Solar System are much smaller and rockier than the others, and there are good reasons for this. All of these planets were once moons of Tiamat which fell into orbit around the Sun (Eternal name Solara) after the great cataclysm. Mercury is the Silver Moon. Venus is the White Moon. Mars is the Red Moon. And Gaia is the Green Moon.
As a moon, Gaia is smaller and has much less water, but as we have shared in many previous updates, a new Planetary Sphere was created by the Cosmic Founding Races on behalf of the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness to allow for the healing of the many souls who were traumatized from this greatest of cataclysms in our Cosmos. Gaia was chosen to hold space for this Healing from the great Love she holds for her Planetary Mother and all of her wounded Souls… but her choice came at great cost to herself and her own Harmonic Life forms. Some of Tiamat’s Sacred Waters were gathered and brought to Gaia and some of her islands were pieced together with Gaia’s Eternal Lands. Some of Tiamat’s Core Essence was even brought to Gaia Core, and so she became Gaia-Tiamat in order to hold space for all things to come into Harmony once again. Aside from the three that we know upon these levels of existence, Tiamat’s other moons were scattered about the Solar System, likely falling into orbit around neighboring planets Jupiter and Saturn.
In order to align with the majesty and wonder of the beautuful, intricate, and Eternal Dance between Spheres of Consciousness which is still flowing seamlessly beyond the Harmonic Barrier, we will need to let go of all preconceived notions and parameters of what we believe to be true (or even possible) and allow for the rapid expansion of Consciousness and Form. We have already had several mysterious, lingering celestial objects in 2024 - some of which were actually pieces of Tiamat from the asteroid belt - stop by and stick around for a while, once again testing the waters on behalf of the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness to see how we handle unfamiliar celestial objects in preparation for our Collective-Level Realignment with the Eternal Realms. It is not yet known what this Great Mergence will look like upon its large-scale completion because the Eternal and the Fragmented will both need to shift in order to accommodate one another, but many aspects of this Grand Plan are already well underway.
There’s one last kicker - our planet itself, Gaia-Tiamat, has already crossed the Harmonic Barrier and is now resonating within the same Harmonic Octave as Tiamat Eternal. One of the biggest things currently slowing our Mergence with the Eternal are the belief systems held by those still adhering stolidly to the lower levels of existence in a state of separation from the Whole. Modern Astrology and Astronomy are two such sets of belief systems, for there is no reason to believe that planets and stars move along the same orbits at the same pace with no variation for Eternity because they are actually living, breathing, dancing Beings.
We - The Collective Consciousness of the Cosmic Resonance Team in our many Forms - do not resonate with most modern Earth-based astronomical and astrological associations because we acknowledge the planets and stars as such. We visit them, we speak with them, we sing with them, and we even merge with them to feel what it is like to be at the center of such a glorious dance of Frequency and Form, allowing these frequencies to be encoded within our respective bodies to see what is pulled into our own Spheres of Consciousness as a reflection of this Eternal Dance.
Please choose your focus wisely over the coming months and years, my friends. It is wise to assure that your own home base is calm and comfortable before making any major associations or connections with the outside world… and we are referring more to your body than your immediate external environment which is simply a reflection of what you hold inside. When in doubt, Gaia and her creatures can show you the way to the Highest Collective Timeline, and if you’d like to call it the Organic Ascension Timeline, it is all the same as we all move back into Harmony with the Greater Whole as One.
With Great Love from Hazel and the Cosmic Resonance Team