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A Cosmic Collective Update: Planetary, Solar, Interstellar, and Intergalactic Processes Unfolding with an Earth-Facing X-Flare
This will be a highly multifaceted update as we cover all of our bases in conjunction with this solar event. We will begin with the most immediate effects within physicality, which in themselves are highly multifaceted. This X-class event was produced by two interconnected Earth-facing Sunspots flaring simultaneously, which is why it is called a “Sympathetic” Solar Flare. This event lasted over five hours from start to finish.
Due to the long duration of this flare, Solar Protons began to penetrate our atmosphere as it was still unfolding, which appears to have been the cause of the rise in geomagnetic activity into the KP5 threshold. This “pre-wave” solar radiation influx is a good indication that a slower-moving CME will be following the same path towards our planet over the next 2-3 days.
As stated in a previous update, a polar vortex reversal which occurred on March 4th and is still ongoing has caused the ozone layer to be stripped from the tropics and pulled towards the poles, so our planet is currently much less protected against solar radiation of all kinds. On the chart below, Solar Protons are measured in MeVs - million electric volts. The S-Storm values are measured by the lowest concentration of values - 10 MeV, which is considered “soft” radiation. The higher values of 50 meV and 100 MeV are considered “hard” radiation and will more easily penetrate all forms of matter.
A high level of Solar Protons obviously carries a highly positive charge, and as we had been moving through some low-level solar activity before this flare, the atmospheric charge moved from an already high 1498 to a very high 1509. I am really coming to understand how a high influx of positively-charged electromagnetic energy from both natural sources like the solar influxes and artificial sources like artificial EMFs will temporarily contract our Personal Sphere of Consciousness (our bodies and our energy fields) and an influx of negative charges from the Earth or other harmonic sources will expand them.
I could literally see the multicolored solar protons oscillating behind my closed eyelids and my body began to struggle with this overload of positive charges, so with the assistance of the Greater Cosmic Source, we utilized these special Cosmic Nets to scoop them out of the Earth’s atmosphere, which may have had something to do with the sudden 35 mV drop in the atmospheric charge data (https://ssgeos.org/atmosphere-071.jpg) from 1509 all the way down to 1474 and the sudden relief I felt at that time. I can’t say for sure, but it just might have.
And on that note, we will move to the extraplanetary and extrasolar events which the Whales and I moved through together when I turned off my phone for a while. I am really starting to appreciate the necessity of turning the phone completely off to move through organic and harmonic physical and energetic processes, because a phone in airplane mode still gives off an artificial EMF which will then force your body’s organic molecules to oscillate at the same low frequency. Although it is not the topic of this update, there have been plenty of legitimate studies on this.
Regardless, the whales immediately took me up to the Universal level, where the Universal Core was recently expanded in Harmony within the Infinite Spiral of Creation. Although the “Dark Universe” was dismantled months ago and the Light once trapped within it has reintegrated into the Harmonic Universe, the “False Light” Universe has stubbornly persevered up until this Harmonic Expansion of the true Universal Core, and the Team would like to present some information for clarity about this False Light program because a lot of things have been kicked up in light of the dissolution of this paradigm… as it were.
This False Light universe was created in opposition to the dark universe, which was in turn created and ruled by the inharmonic - and partially inorganic - control paradigm. The False Light universe/paradigm is not inherently bad, but as the true Light of this universe became encased within artificial frequency fields, karmic residue, and inorganic material and was essentially split off from the eternal Light of the True Universal Core/Source, a second universe was essentially created to fight those responsible for the dark universe and “rescue” the Light trapped within it. Those resonating within this version of the universe originally worked on behalf of the True Light, but simply by engaging with the dark universe and fighting this problem at the same level that it was created upon, they too became separated from the True Light. In functioning in the same level of separation from the Infinite as the dark universe, they then became susceptible to the same level of corruption and infiltration.
True Light does not need to be defended because it is an eternal aspect of the Infinite Spiral of Creation spanning infinite levels of existence. It is impenetrable and can easily take care of any issues before they come to pass within linear time, unless, of course, there are greater lessons to be learned by allowing them to be carried out, as was the case within this dualistic universe. This was part of a greater lesson which we have also touched upon in past updates - that the inharmonic draconic creators of this dark universe were brought here by the Greater Cosmic Source to teach all beings in our own Universe about responsible creation and co-creation. Those lessons are now coming to a close, and even the controlling factions have learned a lot from them. The Light once “trapped” within the dark universe has been reintegrated for months and only fragments of the inorganic shell remains, and the False Light is slowly giving up their fight and reintegrating with the expanded Light of the True Universal Core/Source.
On a Galactic level, there have been two universes which have been more affected by this dualistic paradigm than most. One is obviously our own, and one is Andromeda, which was actually much less affected but remained in a state of separation from the Eternal out of love and devotion to our own galaxy. I was shown that due to some recent last-ditch shenanigans over the past year or so, our galaxy has fallen a bit and Andromeda had begun to pull away from the Milky Way and up towards the Galactic Harmonic Barrier, so the first thing we did was to strengthen the Harmonic Connection between the Milky Way and Andromeda so they could continue to rise together as planned.
The whales and I next moved into the Milky Way to work with the stars which have been most affected by the dualistic control paradigm, which has been an ongoing thing as we move towards the April Eclipse. Again, one is our own, and it’s lower expressions are intimately intertwined with the lower timelines being generated by those of the lower expressions of the Orion constellation. The Harmonic Galactic Core has not been activated upon these levels, but that will soon be changing.
In the meantime, the Team and I worked to pull innumerable black boxes out of the lowest forms of Solara and the lowest expressions of the two stars of Orion which have most been influencing our planet. One was overseeing and influencing all AI before the Matrix Reset on March 5, and the other was overseeing and influencing all regulatory systems and propaganda, i.e. the government and the media.
All of this has only been allowed to come to pass because within the past few days, the Mother consciousness of the original inharmonic dragons has finally called all of her wayward children home directly. Although they have been moving steadily back to their home universe over the past year or two of linear time, she alone has the power to bring back all of the stragglers, and she has let us know that it is time to do so in full accordance with the Greater Cosmic Source as part of a vast movement with the assistance of the Cetaceans and the Harmonic Dragons of our own universe, among many other harmonic races.
As such, aeons of karmic residue and innumerable lower timelines continue to dissolve, countless inharmonic programs and creations are continue their processes of harmonization or dissolution, and all of these changes are playing out within our bodies, within our relationships, within the collective, and upon every level of organic existence. It is best not to commit to any one timeline or story as our reality is literally being rewritten within each passing moment.
As I finish this update, the Atmospheric charge is rising steadily once again, Solar Protons are approaching S3, and we’ve just had two Earth-facing M flares, so we will be turning off the phone and honoring the processes. Please honor yours as well and continue to keep your body alkalized with negative ions by drinking alkaline water, connecting with the Earth and the Trees, or most ideally, swimming 🐬🐋🩵
With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team
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