Multidimensional Discernment

+ A New Plan for Cosmic Resonance

This week on Sunday Zooms: Multidimensional Navigation & Discernment

+ A New Plan for Cosmic Resonance

The multidimensional world is being illuminated at a very fast pace. As different levels of consciousness become more easily accessible, it is very necessary to expand our perspective in order to establish and maintain a high level of discernment as we navigate uncharted territory moving forward. The perspectives that we will be discussing are brought to you in conjunction with the non-human members of the Cosmic Resonance Team.

In case you missed our highly uplifting ReTruthing Replays from last week, all three parts have been posted in our Cellular Liberation Series. Our ReTruthing exercise concludes the content that it felt most pertinent to present freely to the Collective. From this week onwards, all Sunday Zoom Replays will be posted in our new Advanced Series.

There are several ways to access our Sunday Zooms from now on: If you’d like to drop in, Live attendance will still be donation-based with a 10 dollar minimum appreciated, but free replays will no longer be available. For those who plan to be with us for a while, Sunday Zoom attendance + Replays are now included with any Pod Membership. In striving to make this doable for anyone who would like to attend, we have created a new Advanced Pod Membership for Full Sunday Zoom access + Replays with low weekly or monthly payment options.

Those who have shown a high level of receptivity and resonance with our content by completing over 60% of our Cellular Liberation Series have also received an invitation to sign up for a Pilot Pod Membership which also includes full access to Sunday Zooms + Replays through our Advanced Series in addition to full access to all three of our Pilot Series. This will be over 100 hours of content by the time we finish our third Pilot Series in April 🀍 We have included monthly and weekly payment options for this as well.

For existing Pilot Pod Members, please keep an eye on your inbox about how to access our Sunday Zooms / Advanced Content from now on! It will be included with the link for the replays from yesterday’s Zoom.

All of this has come from listening to your feedback, our Earth Mentor, and the Team to find options which are best for everyone while supporting Cosmic Resonance through this year of Transition 🀍 Most people have learned by now that when it comes to online content, contributing an energy exchange means that we get more out of what we are receiving. Somehow, it adds so much more depth to the experience.

If you did not receive an email this morning, you can check out our new setup and access this Sunday’s Zoom about Multidimensional Navigation & Discernment at Our upcoming Zoom Schedule and all Zoom links can be accessed through our Advanced Series and under Sunday Zoom Drop-Ins.

We hope to see you soon 🀍

With Great Love from Allora and the Cosmic Resonance Team
