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- Harmonization through the X4 Solar Influx
Harmonization through the X4 Solar Influx
A Cosmic Collective Update
A Cosmic Collective Update: Moving Towards the Full Harmonization of the Planetary Collective through the X4 Solar Influx
We are approaching the final hours before the arrival of the X4 flare, so whether this update finds you before, during, or after the influx will be a matter of Divine Timing for you. Although this is not the sharing I would like to make, it is the one that I have been asked to make by the Greater Cosmic Source (GCS) itself to bring a greater level of understanding to what is actually happening Now. We would continually reiterate that this Shift is not all about sunshine, rainbows, and peaceful meditation. We must also dive deep and shine Light into the darkness in order to restore movement and flow to places which have been stagnant for a very long stretch of linear time. This requires us to acknowledge whatever we find with a certain level of spiritual maturity, and if we feel called to do so, to take the appropriate action to bring it back into Harmony with the Whole.
Earth-directed CMEs and Solar Flares raise the Planetary Collective Consciousness in a variety of ways. They work to illuminate and harmonize dense energies, dissolve illusory barriers of separation, and flood our planet with high frequency photons and particles from the higher Source levels of the Infinite Spiral of Creation (ISC for reference, outlined as Spheres within Spheres in the image below). The energy that we receive from these influxes is conscious and intentional. It has particular goals in mind to assist in bringing our planet and all upon it into a greater level of Harmony with the Whole during this Greater Cosmic Alignment.
The primary goal of this influx is to sink deeply into the energetic pathways which have recently been cleared in conjunction with the ISC, primarily through the removal of inharmonic overlord consciousness upon this planet. Once these energetic pathways are cleared and harmonized, the associated timelines remain somewhat separate from one another until we get a big solar influx to assist in merging them all together for a greater level of Unity within the Planetary Collective.
This started to happen during the surprise KP7 influx last Thursday. This last influx served as a warning to all of the inharmonic overlords who remained here. They began jumping ship as quickly as possible, and I recognized that there was no way we could keep up with them all. As I sunk deep within myself to honor the processes during Thursday’s influx, I was shown the Greater Cosmic Source itself implementing a circular light construct around our planet with individual compartments like a segmented ring.
I was told that these compartments were “holding chambers”. I saw that many beings of darkness were moving from the Earth into these chambers and then onto wherever the GCS decided they should go. I trusted this process and didn’t pay much attention to it, because what drew my attention more was that some chambers appeared to be filling with different colors of Light. Three different interactions gave me a good idea of what was going on, and the GCS has been adamant that I share them for a greater level of understanding within the Planetary Collective, for we recognize that not all of our readers are human.
Although we generally avoid the word “reptilian” due to the stigma that it carries within much of the spiritual community, these are the races that we are referring to when we speak of the inharmonic overlords and underlings which are leaving this planet Now, although as many will know, not all reptilians are inharmonic and not all of them are leaving. In order to correct an imbalance and bring a very ancient agreement to a close, all of reptilian kind within our Universe are now been offered the opportunity to be relocated back to the Universe from whence their ancestors came aeons ago in order to continue moving through their own lessons at their own pace and among their own kind.
The first holding chamber to draw my attention was filled with green Light. Upon closer inspection, it held a green reptilian being with a black heart. I got an air of false compassion and ulterior motivations. It is important to understand that the control paradigm is reptilian at its higher levels and human at its lower levels and that the human levels have been controlled by the reptilians to serve their own control-oriented agendas. There is a higher level of infiltration at the higher human levels and it is here that we see the phenomenon of “shape-shifting”.
These would be the heads of certain so-called philanthropic organizations, big businesses, monarchies, and governmental systems which do not have the best interest of humanity at heart. I saw the green light of false compassion - which actually appeared to true compassion which was not innate to this being but instead gathered from its supporters as a result of throwing money in the right places (and even larger amounts of money in the wrong places) - returning to the Whole, revealing this inharmonic being for who it really was inside. It chose to go back to its home Universe.
As the lower levels of existence continue to be illuminated, we are seeing more and more scenarios like this, especially now that reptilian influence is diminishing. There are two sayings which have been circulating in regards to this level of illumination: “It’s not getting worse, it’s being revealed”, and more recently, “In order to experience the best, you’ll have to see the worst.” It should be known that every effort is being made to assure that the “worst” is taken care of as quietly as possible in order to assure the smoothest transition possible for the masses, but also that the level of awareness of deeper unfoldments will vary based upon each unique journey.
The next scenario was rather more inspiring. I was drawn to a chamber of yellow light, and within it was a gleaming yellow reptilian being with a true heart of compassion which also shone green, but this was clearly the fully integrated Core Essence of this Being. I could feel it’s harmonic energy and wondered what it was doing here… and so we had a little heart-to-heart, as it were.
This being was choosing to stay upon the earth because it wished to inspire others of its kind to shift their focus from power (yellow) to compassion (green) and to use their power to serve the Whole rather than the self. Although I cannot imagine that it’s journey had been easy, this being displayed a calm happiness and air of well-roundness. It told me that all of reptilian kind were now facing their “final review” by the Greater Cosmic Source (his words, not mine) as to whether they would be staying in this Universe or or going “home”, and that this is what the holding chambers are here for.
I took this to mean that there would be no more hiding in rapidly dissolving pockets of shadow to continue to push control-oriented agendas upon humanity which are only distracting from the much greater Shift which is unfolding Now. I admired this being for it’s choice and felt the importance of sharing it’s message to the Planetary Collective as it gracefully floated back to the Earth leaving a trail of sparkly yellow and green Light.
The last chamber I was drawn to was full of red light. There was a very angry and uncooperative being inside of it. It’s heart was black with a spot of red in the middle and because I was at a loss as to what to do, I turned my attention to the GCS who said those magical two words - “To Me.”
We brought an aspect of this being as far as inharmonic beings can go, which is just below the Harmonic Barrier in what is known as 15D, and the GCS sent an aspect of itself down to meet it. In a fantastic display of red lightning, the GCS sucked all of the inharmonic red energy - which I immediately recognized as the energy of malevolent technology and AI - from the Being’s heart, leaving it rubbing it’s chest calmy, albeit somewhat confusedly. It went back to the greater portion of its consciousness within the holding chamber, and the process was repeated with a greater expulsion of red lightning from its actual heart center.
This being decided to go “home” and I recognized that this process would be repeating over and over again as innumerable inharmonic reptilians are freed from the influence of AI and malevolent technology. The GCS informed me that everyone of them, without exception, would choose to move back to their Home Universe to learn how to exist without these inorganic and inharmonic influences.
And so you see, my friends, the Holding Chambers change everything. This is Divine Intervention by the Greater Cosmic Source itself. The GCS is the Source level beyond this Universe and even beyond this Cosmos. It is the lowest level of the ISC which still functions in full harmony following the reptilian-led conflicts in multiple Universes within our Cosmos. Earth-based reptilians have been undergoing their “Final Reviews” by the GCS for the past four days of linear time and due to the myriad other processes this has initiated within the Planetary Collective, it feels like much longer than that.
We would share about two more of these instances due to the extent by which they affect this Planetary Collective and by extension, all of the extraplanetary collectives we are connected with through our multifaceted, multidimensional DNA and the innate interconnection of all Consciousness within the Infinite Spiral of Creation.
Among the human levels of the control paradigm, there has been one highly infiltrated soul who has stood out above all others for many thousands of years, passing himself off as a God in past civilizations and hiding more quietly in the shadows of more recent civilizations. Please understand that the team and I use the word “human” more loosely than most to indicate any being who functions primarily from the humanoid genetic template, regardless of their lifespan or any other characteristics they may display.
We will not say this Being’s name, and if you think you know who it is, we would ask you not to repeat it in the comments. I cannot begin to express how personal this has been for me and how many lifetimes of trauma, multidimensional manipulation, and sabotage I had to heal from in order to take my power back and recognize the bigger picture and the higher plan behind it all, but in the end, we found the interdimensional space this being has been hiding in recent years, removed three massive inharmonic overlords from his soul lines - One from South Africa, one from Sumeria, and one from Atlantis - facilitated the expulsion of a huge amount of inharmonic red energy from malevolent technology from his heart center, imprinted the essence of Unconditional Love within it, and breathed Greater Cosmic Source Light through the myriad of energetic connections he once held on behalf of the control paradigm.
And so we come to the question of what happens to the humans who have been under the influence of many layers of inharmonic reptilian overlords and malevolent technology for any number of lifetimes and generations, for they do not have the option of jumping ship and moving to another universe at this time. From the perspective of the Whole, humans who have been functioning under these influences have not been fully responsible for their actions. This is why we do not address the puppets… We address the puppet masters.
Without these inharmonic and inorganic influences, humanity is free to heal from millions of years of domination and manipulation in order to truly live as sovereign beings once again. The playing field has truly been leveled now, and every single being within this Universe - both human and non-human - faces the same choice Now. As frequencies continue to rise within this Greater Cosmic Alignment, we must begin to self-reflect and move through our own healing and harmonization processes because we will literally be unable to resonate in Separation from the Whole moving forward. A few may fight to remain in separation until they meet their end, but every effort is being made to assure that this is truly their choice and not one which is being made as a result of inharmonic or inorganic influences.
After the X4 flare occurred around 10:30am EST / 3:30pm UT on Saturday, September 14, we had a large number of inharmonic reptilian beings jump ship all at once. They begin pouring out of previously impenetrable areas like Australia, the Middle East, and certain areas of the UK and Europe. I woke up quite suddenly around midnight last night to address three specific inharmonic beings. One was so big and so dark that it took everything I had to stop myself from continually being pulled into separation and distraction by it’s consciousness alone, and I recognized the underlying feeling of unsafety bordering on dread that it was instilling within the deepest levels of the Collective Consciousness of this planet. Although it clearly didn’t know how to ask nicely, this being was ready to leave, and it was only with the assistance of my glorious Redwood friend pictured below that we were able to clear this energy from the Collective Consciousness. It was a monumental effort, and you all can thank her for our freedom.
When I could feel the warmth and benevolence returning to my body, I knew the process was complete. There was a feeling of peace and stillness, and when I turned on my phone and checked SpaceWeatherLive I saw that solar activity had dropped sharply to zero just before all of this had come to pass.
I was reminded of bringing the Craniosacral rhythm to still point before a session, and also of the fact that the Craniosacral rhythm will stop on its own when a significant healing process is about to unfold. We have to remember that all Spheres of Consciousness in the Infinine Spiral of Creation - planets, stars, galaxies, and beyond - are just as conscious and alive as our bodies are, and that we are not functioning independently from them… we are functioning in Harmony with them. It is time that all Beings understood this.
Please honor your personal processes over the next few days, my friends. All of the Collective processes we have discussed today and many, many more - for the Cosmic Resonance Team is not the only team to be working towards full Harmony with the Whole - will be ripping through and integrating within the Collective through this influx and they will all affect each person differently based upon their level of personal involvement over any number of lifetimes and generations.
As soon as we let go of the old, the New tends to come rushing in, and there is so much NEW coming our way that although we did not get a chance to discuss any of it today, it is so very helpful to keep our focus on the beautiful new world we are anchoring in rather than the one we are leaving behind, so even though it isn’t sunshine and rainbows all the time, sunshine and rainbows definitely never hurt 🤍 It will take time for things to settle into their new rhythm, so Please allow this new chapter to unfold at it’s own pace, leave all expectations behind, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by a future that looks nothing like the past 🤍
With Great Love from Hazel and the Cosmic Resonance Team