Eclipse Day Update

Eclipse Day Update

Based upon what I have seen from others and what I have observed within my own body, many are experiencing huge influxes of energy through the crown chakra with this Cosmic Eclipse passage. It is important to relax fully into your body to allow this energy to pass all the way through the Central Column of your energy field. Because the energies associated with the throat chakra - associated with Blue Ray for most people - are a big theme at this time, consciously relaxing the tissues of the neck will be key in allowing this Cosmic Light Influx to move down into the heart, the energetic Core of our Personal Sphere of Consciousness.

When the body is bombarded by external stimuli, particularly from artificial frequencies via some form of technology, and/or it is otherwise stressed, the bundles of nerves at the back of the neck and up into the head may come into a state of overdrive. This often causes all of the other tissues in the head, neck, and shoulders to tighten, greatly reducing cerebrospinal flow and therefore our overall energy flow, preventing any higher energies we may be receptive to from moving below these areas and forcing them to accumulate above the heart level.

It only takes a moment to consciously relax the musculature of the neck and shoulders and to visualize this energetic influx moving down your Core. You will definitely feel it happening. It is important to stay in this flow today. Regardless of who is having a live eclipse special, now is not the time to be engaged with technology for an extended period of time. It is time to get your feet on the ground and tap into the bigger picture in full harmony with the organic Whole in order to hold the highest space possible for humanity and this planet.

Many should be getting a big download in regards to the expansion of our Higher Purpose upon this planet with specific instructions on how we can best deliver that which only we can deliver to humanity as we each came here with our own unique gifts and energy signatures. We’re not going to be very receptive to them if we are tapped into someone else’s content on the internet. There are always replays if it feels pertinent. Today, you do you.

Once this Cosmic download has fully inundated your heart, it is very easy to visualize it moving from your heart down through your lower chakra centers and into the Earth. Once again, you will know without a doubt when you are successful because you will feel all of the tissues below your heart level relaxing into these blissful frequencies, and as both this Cosmic Light Influx and your own Higher Purpose are anchored into the Earth, you will feel Gaia’s immense gratitude for your Service 🀍

See you on the other side β˜€οΈπŸŒ•πŸŒŽπŸŒˆ

With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team


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