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- The Domino Effect & The Cycling of the Waters
The Domino Effect & The Cycling of the Waters
A Cosmic Collective Update
A Cosmic Collective Update: A Domino Effect of Collective Shifts & The Cycling of the Waters
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the current form of this planet was essentially grafted from the ruins of Tiamat for purposes of healing from one of the greatest cataclysms ever known. Although this event coincides with the emergence of modern humans, the idea was to allow for ALL beings of ALL races to heal, even those who contributed the most to the conflict leading up to the destruction.
And so it came to be that the intergalactic control paradigm built its first central location upon the Earth in what we now know as South Africa. We will be as brief as possible about the recent phases of the “clean up” of the remnants of the Earth-based control paradigm. Quite frankly, we have much greater things to focus on, but gaining perspective on what has taken place over the past 8 to 10 days will assist in coming to a deeper level of understanding about what many have been seeing, feeling, and experiencing lately.
The control paradigm functions as a hierarchy. In regards to their initial “landing” in South Africa, the inharmonic non-human overlords at the top of the hierarchy created the story of the Annunaki to instill their domination over the masses from the beginning. The Annunaki were always reptilian-infiltrated humans. They may have been a little taller, they may have lived a little longer, but they were still human enough.
The few true Tiamatian Human Giants who survived the cataclysm did not dwell comfortably here. We needed to shrink in order to adapt as we slowly healed from the loss of the beautiful planet which we held so dear to our hearts. On August 31, 2024, the primary overlord consciousness of the first Earthly base of the control paradigm in South Africa agreed to be relocated by the Cetaceans. Upon its departure, immense waves of Rainbow Light rippled out through every level of existence of the Infinite Spiral of Creation - Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Cosmic, Greater Cosmic, and Beyond into Infinity. For whatever it is worth, this moment in linear time came to pass around 3 PM Eastern / 9 PM South African time on that day.
Once this consciousness was removed, it revealed a vast amount of hidden knowledge that it had been keeping from the masses, including the true history of our planet… and beyond. After sorting out a few volumes to assure that all of this knowledge is truly for the Highest Benefit of the Whole, The Cetaceans assured that it was made readily available to All. Just like this transmission and all of our co-creative content, it is received beyond distortion only through the heart, not through the mind.
The departure of this primary inharmonic consciousness created a domino effect among the other planetary overlords, because of course the control paradigm expanded over time to include many other primary, secondary, and standalone bases around the globe. The sudden removal of their primary overlord consciousness and the subsequent inundation of Harmonic Rainbow Lightcodes within the deepest levels of existence has made the rest of them extremely uncomfortable, and because these overlords have been holding inharmonic space not only within the land, but within the human bloodlines of all those who have occupied those lands, a number of people have been moving through varying degrees of discomfort as well, particularly in the spine and hips.
We have been working hard to remove these beings from the deepest levels of the Planetary Collective for the Highest Benefit of All involved. Major inharmonic influences and have been lifted from many Scottish, Irish, English, French, Italian, German, Polish, Czech, Jewish, Atlantean, and African bloodlines. Major underground bases and innumerable inharmonic connections have been cleared from Scotland, Ireland, London, Nazi Germany, Atlantis (which also revealed a stash of hidden knowledge being made accessible once again), and of course, South Africa. Others are in progress and many others are still to come. Much of this has been done through personal sessions. We are encountering very little opposition because the frequencies of this Great Cosmic Alignment are powerful enough that most beings are ready to give up the fight and do whatever will make them more comfortable at this time.
A necessary term of the relocation of these harmonic overlord beings back to the Universe from whence their Ancestors came is the harmonization and/or dissolution of any and all inharmonic creations they have wrought over aeons of time. Among that which has been deactivating and dissolving since September 1 is an advanced anti-source technology which appears as black spheres. These advanced devices were creating inharmonic overlays which lack the glitchiness of lower technology and are able to project things so realistic that they are often perceived as “black magic”. I saw a lot of this in Mount Shasta, and I also understood that this technology was utilized to create a lot of the plagues and other dreadful events which were documented in conjunction with total solar eclipses throughout history.
The inorganic influence of the planet Nibiru is also being lifted. I am being advised to be very careful in what I say about this because this story is one of many which is being rewritten at this time. This is because Nibiru has been home to a multitude of inorganic creations of the control paradigm for millions of years and they are all in the process of deactivating and dissolving Now.
The past three days have also presented a major clearing of the technological influences upon our own bodies, particularly the area of the sacral chakra / womb space. These influences have been working to bring our second chakras and their associated organs out of resonance with our Harmonic Heart spaces and thus created a downward pull upon our entire Being. A great deal of inharmonic and inorganic influences over our sense of nurturance and community as well as our ability to bring harmonic creations into physicality have now been cleared, allowing harmonic creations, organic communities, and nurturing relationships to flourish once again.
Outside of the control paradigm, many of the other races who were present upon Tiamat also found their homes upon the Earth, and the time of the Tiamat-Earth Mergence 500,000 years ago also presents the emergence of many other species which exist in modern times. The “missing link” in our planetary evolution wasn’t exactly extraterrestrial. It was the transfer of advanced Tiamatian Souls and many of Tiamat’s Islands to what was at that point a small, rocky moon.
It is known by many that Mars was once a moon of Tiamat, but the idea that the Earth was too has not been presented until now. When it hit me, it clicked right into place, and the more I feel into it, the more it makes sense. I had never gotten a clear picture of where the Earth stood before the destruction of Tiamat. It was as if there had been a block over this piece of information, concealing it from my conscious awareness. It seems to me as if this block was cleared when the knowledge hidden by the overlords of South Africa and Atlantis was made available to us. The great time of Remembrance is now upon us.
Tiamat was at least ten times the size of our planet now, putting it somewhere between the size of Saturn and Jupiter. This also makes it one tenth of the size of our Sun. True planets are less dense and more luminous than moons, which tend to be smaller and rockier.
Tiamat originally had 12 moons. At the time of the explosion, they suffered varying degrees of damage and were scattered about the solar system. Mars was one. Venus was another. I am unclear about Mercury, but I now know that the Earth was definitely another, although it looked quite different then. It was very green with much less standing water. The role of our current moon is a story for another day.
We do not find much geological evidence of the grafting which took place between the original Earth-moon and the remnants of Tiamat 500,000 years ago because much like the monumental shift we are moving through now, it was a project undertaken by the Infinite Spiral of Creation itself which transcended linear time completely. History was essentially rewritten from a very high level of consciousness so as to assure the smoothest transition possible for all involved. The primary objectives were to assure that those involved in this great conflict continued to learn their lessons and to set the stage for all things to come back into Harmony once again.
That time is Now. The Collective Cataclysm Loop is just one of many loops which is dissolving as we gain access to the chapters of the story that we were not prepared to take in before while simultaneously transcending the storyline altogether as we prepare for something entirely new.
Part of the New is the Cleansing of our Waters. Some of our Waters were rescued from Tiamat, some were already Present here before her destruction, and others were brought in from other places with our galaxy. The waters of Tiamat once cycled between three other water planets in this sector of the galaxy. This was part of a Harmonic Interstellar Partnership as a means of unifying consciousness and as a gateway for higher communication, for as we have learned, water holds memory and can be utilized for these purposes.
The Cycling of the Waters has already been restored upon the higher levels of existence. I have seen it and felt it in my current incarnation as I have swum in these Earthly waters communing with our own Galactic Representatives in Dolphin form. The harmonizing shifts which have accelerated during the current Solar Maximum have cleared the way for the Cycling of the Waters to be restored upon the deepest levels of existence yet. This will bring a great cleansing to the levels of resonance in which the majority of humanity dwells and a vast expansion of consciousness as more of the Collective gains access to the Wisdom held within these Sacred Waters.
The time is Now, family. If you have not already done so, it is wise to let go of everything you thought you knew because things will continue to shift by the moment. It is also wise to have no expectations. Ten years with the Dolphins and our Star Family has taught me that the Infinite Spiral of Creation - and all those working in full harmony with it - will expand the parameters of our reality with every interaction.
With Great Love & Reverence from Hazel and the Cosmic Resonance Team