A Cosmic Collective Update

Cosmic Light Inundation of the X

A Cosmic Collective Update:

Cosmic Light Inundation of 2017 and 2024 Eclipse Paths Dissolves 7 Years of Trauma Loops & Lower Timelines

The energy was outrageous yesterday. It was clear to me that the highest frequencies were being held within the densest places and situations so that we could all do what we needed to do in order to utilize this eclipse window to its maximum potential on both a personal and a collective level.

I was aware that a great deal of clarity would be brought to the energetic dynamics of the 2017 eclipse and the time of darkness which followed for so many of us, but I had no idea how this would play out until I began dancing with the eclipse path to the beat of the drums on the beach last night. After clearing the karmic residue from the 2024 path with the assistance of many, I soon saw the 2017 path beginning to clear as well. That is when an epiphany of realizations hit me all at once, and I literally laughed out loud.

For many people, late 2017 into 2018 began a downward spiral which reached its depths with the pandemic in 2020 when the entire world sank into the grips of a collective frequency of fear. As stated in previous updates, this created a mighty pull upon other Earthly races as well as our Star Family with whom we are intimately connected through our multidimensional DNA and the interconnected nature of all consciousness in general.

Many people fell back into old patterns at this time and may have taken actions and made decisions from these convoluted places within themselves. These old patterns were part of a trauma loop set on repeat, possibly for many lifetimes. But the gift of the Present Moment is one which should never be underestimated, because in this present moment we are able to step back and take a good look at the seven years since the last eclipse and utilize this stretch of time to identify even greater patterns over many lifetimes in order to dissolve them for good.

In my work, I have learned that it does not matter how long a trauma loop has been in place. Once it is identified, forgiven, and dissolved, we are more than capable of moving on with our lives with a new sense of lightness and freedom as if waking up from a bad dream. Depending upon the situation, the amount of time it will take to clear the resulting trauma, programming, and karmic residue from our cellular memory will vary, but this eclipse passage offers a unique opportunity to clear a whole lot of it at once.

It took some doing to clear the collective karmic residue from the entire country through the eclipse paths, but once the team indicated that it was as good as it was going to get and that we would not wait for the most stubborn locations to clear before anchoring in the energies which would assist in breaking collective trauma loops, we began to do just that. The Cetaceans first assisted in inundating the Paths with the Light Blue of the Highest Truth as a baseline to anchor in the rest of the Cosmic Rainbow Lightcodes.

Back in 2017, the dolphins were encoding selenite crystals to send out to our soul family in a similar manner as our Shell Encodement Project, and I was also traveling around distributing them across the country in a similar way that I am doing with the shells now. Because Selenite dissolves in water, I find it very fitting that the density of those pieces was lost yet the Light Encodements have remained within the waters ever since. When the dolphins began encoding shells, I noticed a divinely orchestrated pattern in which many of the places which received encoded selenite in 2016 and 2017 received the encodements from our shells seven years later.

Much of this project has been beyond me, and it has become clear why we have had so much higher assistance from so many Cosmic, Galactic, and Earthly races. We have an opportunity now to dissolve the timelines which created a mighty pull upon the entirety of the Cosmos and all those who dwell with it, including our Star Family who so many of us are working consciously with. There are still a small group of beings upon this planet who believe that their actions have no consequences beyond this Planetary Sphere, and they will very soon find out just how mistaken they have been about that. Each and every action that we take has an effect upon the Whole, and the greater the action, the greater the effect.

It is only when we take responsibility for our own actions that we begin to take a greater responsibility for the Whole because it is only then that we are able to see their effect upon the Whole. From now on, it is wise to ask ourselves if our actions - starting with what we post on social media and expanding into how we treat others, interact with the world around us, run our businesses, and offer our Services to humanity and this planet - are truly supporting a greater level of Harmony with the Whole. If they are not, then the focus should not be upon what is wrong with the world and what is wrong with other people, but what this disharmony is reflecting within you, because this will be a direct indication of your own level of Harmony or disharmony with the Whole.

This shift in consciousness is not what so many spiritual leaders have been telling us for so many years. Expanding the concept of the Self into the Whole is a very humbling experience which requires us to take full responsibility for all of the things we refused to see in the mirror, so instead, they have been mirrored by those around us. Self-mastery comes you can look any person in the eye and see not only a reflection of yourself, but the purity of the Highest Light of the Whole shining through them.

Self-reflection leads to self-responsibility which eventually leads to self-mastery, so as we move through this eclipse, it is wise to leave the lower timelines and agendas behind and take responsibility for your own role in the years since 2017. This potent eclipse window offers a powerful opportunity for transmutation in which we can literally rewrite the past. The unwise may still speak about it as if telling a story, but the energy and the emotion behind it will not hold the same charge.

What was your story over the past seven years of linear time? What will your story be over the next seven years of linear time? Do you know how supported you are in setting the stage for a co-creative future which is in full Harmonic Resonance with the Whole of Conscious Creation?

Use this time wisely, my family 🌈

With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team


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