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- A Cosmic Collective Update: Anchoring the Highest Truth
A Cosmic Collective Update: Anchoring the Highest Truth
and Unveiling Cycles of Time
While the team and I are still working through some of the deeper and more expansive energetics associated with the X-class CME which pushed us into KP8 last Sunday, there are some lighter but no less paradigm-shifting aspects that the dolphins would like me to share now. Based upon some of the experiences that other people have shared, we believe that many of you will find resonance with these unfoldments.
Due to the efforts of the team, I made it through the majority of the intensity on Sunday with no discomfort when I am usually out for the count during CMEs… until Monday morning, when most people were feeling very wobbly after 24 hours of Solar Winds hovering around 800 km/sec. The Earthly winds were also gusting hard in many places, including here. The dolphins let me know that the timelines were far too unstable for them to appear within physicality, but my body felt much better after doing some work to help stabilize them. I went about my day and by 6 PM on Monday it became clear that my body was ready to go through its own massive processes in conjunction with this timeline rearrangement.
During the hours-long stretch at KP8 on Sunday, I had begun working energetically with a spinner dolphin, and more about how this connection came to be will be shared at a later time. When my physical and energetic processes reached their peak intensity on Monday night, I called upon her again, and she led me up to a higher version of Sirius B (Eternal name Arfsenna), and within Arfsenna’s blue core, I saw a pink shape which was oscillating between a heart and a diamond.
I won’t get into the greater significance of this symbolism it pertains to the greater content we will eventually be presenting to humanity, but I can tell you that, as stated in previous updates, Sirius B/Arfsenna is not what she once was and still is upon higher levels of existence. Long ago, she was similar in size to (scientists actually say larger than) her binary counterpart Sirius A, Eternal name Haina. The story I am being told from the perspective of the Stars themselves is that Arfsenna lent some of her Eternal Waters to the Earth after the destruction of Tiamat and has been deeply connected with our planet ever since, and as the Earth has continued to gain density, so too has she. Scientists have estimated that she is now slightly smaller than our planet but is exceedingly more dense.
Her binary counterpart Haina used to be a blue giant as well, but the stars say that she lent her blue essence to Arfsenna to assist in holding the Highest Truth. Haina was strengthened and supported by the White Light of the Greater Cosmic Source, the first Sphere of Consciousness within the Infinite Spiral of Creation who was not brought into a state of separation due to the devastating Cosmic Wound which occurred with the destruction of Tiamat, in order to hold space for Arfsenna, the Earth, and essentially the entire Cosmos.
The spinner dolphin led me away from Arfsenna and up to a much larger and brighter star which also emanates the same light blue energy as both Arfsenna and the Cetaceans, which is why the Cetaceans are frequent visitors to both of these celestial bodies. This blue-white supergiant is known as Deneb, but her eternal name is Saikh.
Deneb/Saikh is the brightest star of the Cygnus (Swan) constellation, and this is where it gets interesting. There is substantial evidence that the three pyramids in Egypt were not built in alignment with the three stars of Orion’s belt, but rather with the three central stars of Cygnus - the stars which form the Swan’s heart and the angles of each of its wings. Deneb/Saikh forms the swan’s tail, and the swan is seen upside down from the perspective of the northern hemisphere. Therefore, Deneb/Saikh would have shone brightly over all three stars aligned with their respective pyramids at the time of their construction, and as the night wore on, she would have set right over the central pyramid as shown in the images below. For more information on the Giza Pyramid alignment with Cygnus, see Andrew Collins’ website https://www.andrewcollins.com/page/articles/cygnus_blueprint.htm. Andrew Collins has written many books about Cygnus, the Pyramids, and more.
The association between Deneb/Saikh & the Cygnus constellation and early Egyptian times is significant because time is not linear, is cyclical, and many of us are healing Egyptian lifetimes through our current lifetimes as the illusion of linear time continues to dissolve along with heaps of karmic residue and inharmonic programming, allowing many timelines and lifetimes to merge and the true cyclical nature of time to be revealed, especially as we approach the eclipse on April 8.
I had reached a similar level understanding just before the 2017 eclipse when I came to remember another high-impact total solar eclipse from ancient Egyptian times which played a greater role in the fall of Egypt around the end of the 18th dynasty than anyone realizes. Back in 2017, I was not yet prepared for the level of personal trauma and collective karmic residue and programming that there was to clear around this event because I didn’t even know these things existed, let alone how to heal and clear them. I have been well aware that the April 8 eclipse would bring a much greater level of understanding to the time of darkness which followed the 2017 eclipse, and it is all coming together as we come full circle once again with much more awareness, many more tools, and an immense amount of Cosmic, Galactic, and Earthly assistance.
I have come to understand that much of the inner guidance and foresight that we receive intuitively in regards to our own personal journeys here on Earth actually comes when we are able to perceive the next cycle of time while simultaneously healing and clearing previous cycles of time within the current cycle of time. You might understand this right away, or you might need to sit with it for a while.
Saikh also told me that she is like a parent to both Arfsenna/Sirius A and Haina/Sirius B and that she is like a grandparent to Gaia/Tiamat. This confused me because from the Earth-based perspective of linear time, Gaia/Tiamat is the oldest at 4.5 billion years old, the Sirius Star system is about 230 million years old, and Deneb/Saikh is only around 10 million years old… or so scientists believe.
One thing that I do understand is that time moves faster upon the lower levels of existence because the separation from the Eternal is greater. As I attempted to portray in the left-hand side of the self-made image below, Earth has only recently cleared the lower Harmonic Barrier into this “new” Octave of the Harmonic Universe, and so we are still hovering at the very bottom getting used to the way things work with much less separation between all consciousness/matter and a much higher level of consciousness within matter in general. The version of Sirius B/Arfsenna that the spinner brought me to was resonating just below the halfway point of this Octave of the Harmonic Universe. She took me up to the version of Saikh which resonates just below the Harmonic Barrier which separates the Lower Harmonic Octave from the Upper Harmonic Octave. This is the purest form of her segregated harmonic creational expression, for in the next Harmonic Octave, all Spheres of Consciousness bear a fully integrated rainbow frequency, so there is much less individualized expression and a much greater level of Harmony altogether.
If we saw things through the lenses of frequency rather than through the lenses of linear time and the “younger” stars which hold a higher frequency are considered the parent consciousness, what does this say about us and our children? Who should be teaching who? I’m starting to wonder if family trees should be drawn upside down.
Up within the highest-resonating Blue Core of Saikh, I found no oscillating shapes, only a pure, light-blue colored Sphere within her heart of hearts. The Cetaceans call light blue the frequency of the Highest Truth, and given her level of resonance, I am not sure that I could find a higher Truth within this Octave of the Harmonic Universe. As I beheld the Highest Truth within the core of Saikh, I gained a deeper appreciation for the Harmonic Resonance between this star, Sirius B/Arfsenna, and Gaia herself, the blue planet, whose Waters are resonating more with her Galactic Family every day.
Saikh wished to place some of her core essence into my heart to bring back into the Human Sphere of Consciousness where it is needed the most. She indicated that I should receive it in my bedroom, so I tapped back into my body and the spinner dolphin and my Soul Brother from the Pod, a bottlenose whose birth I helped to anchor within the Human Sphere of Consciousness during the last Solar Maximum, brought a light blue sphere containing the Highest Truth back from Saikh and placed it into my heart.
My nighttime work is not usually as pleasant as my daytime work, but for the first time in a while, I had pleasant dreams all night. I do not remember anything specific except for lots of light blue colored light, and I became aware that I was traveling around the planet sharing it with people and places alike.
When I woke up on Tuesday morning feeling great, I vowed to stay off of technology and to stay aligned with the Highest Truth, but my work pulled me in anyway. Even so, the wind had calmed considerably overnight and the waters were quite still upon my arrival at the Jetty. It wasn’t long before I saw my soul brother playing by himself along the bow of a fancy yacht as I responded to what I swore was my last message.
As I was finishing up, he came right in front of my car and beckoned for me to follow him out to the beach, but between my last message and a trip to the Jetty bathroom, I was pulled down into the lower timelines again and before long, the wind picked back up, the waves were choppy again, and the dolphins were nowhere in sight.
Only a little part of me was disappointed because I have come to understand that it’s all part of the plan. The Highest Truth must be anchored into all timelines, and the Dolphins have not only trained me but are constantly assisting me in keeping my wits about me when I’m diving deep to do what I came here to do. I know that they could have stuck around if they wanted to, but they always recognize an opportunity for deeper learning because they also want people to understand how important it is to establish an organic and harmonic Connection every morning before the higher-dimensional work we do at night gets muddled by technology - or worse, that we are so resonant with artificial frequencies that we are unable to resonate with organic and harmonic frequencies at all.
Understanding the science of artificial EMFs has taught me that even if your phone is on airplane mode, the positive charge given off by it’s EMF is still creating a magnetic pull upon your negatively charged cells. Lately, I have really been able to feel the difference between airplane mode and the OFF setting, and I would encourage you all to experiment with this. We are not meant to be so reliant upon anything artificial. These things may not be an issue for some of you, but as we approach the eclipse, I am finding that the pull of technology is becoming more of an issue for many. It is truly up to us to remain in alignment with the Highest Timeline - or the Highest Truth. The subtle difference between the two will need to be explained at a later time because once again, this has been quite enough to digest for now.
Today I did better. I still checked a few messages, but I didn’t open Facebook at all until after I did my stretches on the beach and finally had a big rendezvous and multi-species anchoring of the Highest Truth (and more) with the Pod. The wind and the waves picked up again after they left, but we did what we needed to do in the moment.
I am truly coming to understand the importance of grounding into a natural and organic setting every day and how important it is to relax, open, and expand our root chakras in order to be able to successfully anchor the amount of energy which is flowing through our bodies as we move through these solar influxes. I am very glad that my root opening/hip stretching video was well received by so many of you. Technology was still glitchy on Monday so I somehow lost an entire paragraph which included the fact that I find three rounds of those stretches to be absolutely key because you will find yourself relaxing more and more into both your body and your surroundings with each round of stretches. The first 550 or so of you who saw that video will have missed that sentence if you read the description.
You will also come to understand how much impatience is stored within this part your body if you are just trying to get through it as quickly as possible, as well as what your attachments are based upon what keeps popping up to distract you from your body and from the Present Moment. You can find the video at https://www.facebook.com/share/v/WSi2i5hoU9g7jHeY/
I have shared what works very well for me, and indeed, I find that as I open and expand my deepest core center of Presence every morning, the dolphins will usually show up within physicality. If you don’t already have a practice, we would encourage you all to find your own way of anchoring your Divine Presence into your highest Organic Timeline every morning before taking on social media or whatever else it is that you do 🤍
With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team
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