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A Cosmic Collective Update
A Cetacean Perspective of the Upcoming Eclipse
A Cosmic Collective Update: A Cetacean Perspective of the Upcoming Eclipse
I have been asked what the Cetaceans have to say about the upcoming eclipse on April 8, so to make things as simple as possible, we will answer this from the perspective of the Dolphins whose level of consciousness is closer to humanity’s than the whales is. Even so, you will soon see that they still have a much more expansive perception of reality than we do, and they also move through this reality in entirely different - and much more intentional - way than we do.
We will begin by explaining something we have touched upon in previous updates: the difference between Timelines and Truths. If a dolphin comes to visit you, then either they are coming onto your timeline, you are entering their Truth, or your Timeline and their Truth are aligning. Most who are reading this should have a pretty good idea of what timelines are, but how would you define a Truth?
From a Cetacean perspective, timelines appear to run horizontally through space and time whereas Truths appear to run vertically through space and time. Therefore, timelines exist only on one level whereas Truths exist on many levels, which is why there are higher and lower versions of a single truth. Unlike timelines where different levels of existence are easily distinguishable from one another and one must “jump” from timeline to timeline, the levels at which a Truth may be perceived are more blended, like a spectrum.
To explore the nature of Truths vs. Timelines, we will save you some reading time and cover several topics at once by addressing the collective conCERN about a particular matter firing up near the border of Switzerland and France on April 8. It should first be understood that nothing is unfolding without the full awareness of the Greater Cosmic Source itself and countless Cosmic Races who are currently functioning in full Harmonic Resonance with the Whole of Conscious Creation and are able to easily address any and all obstacles well before they come to pass within linear time.
Our last Word of the Whale will be helpful in understanding what has already come to pass in regards to this particular situation. It would be counterproductive to spell it all out at this time, so in cases like these I trust the Whales to make the most appropriate statements about more sensitive matters which are still in the process of playing out within linear time. As the team says of all things which have already been taken care of beyond space and time but remain to be filtered down into physicality: Consider it done.
There is also little concern for - but a nonetheless watchful eye being kept upon - the rocket launch from a somewhat remote location off of the coast of Virginia on April 8, regardless of what it is being called.
These two examples could be considered their own Truths resonating upon a spectrum of frequencies ranging from the most far-fetched conspiracy theories at their lowest levels, represented by dark blue in the self-made image below, and perhaps simply as well-mannered scientific curiosity at their higher levels represented by lighter blues in the image below, each with their own timelines branching off of them. Which one are you aligned with? It is worth noting that if the spectrum of Truths of these two experiments do reach all the way up to the Highest level in complete Harmonic Resonance with the Whole of Creation then they would probably need to involve some level of influence beyond the Human Sphere of Consciousness.
These are just two examples which are relevant to this update. Everyone has their own Truth which exists as a spectrum because as much as you put your Highest Truth out there, those who are resonating at a lower level of consciousness will always perceive it through their own filters and at their own level of resonance, which is something you are going to need to be okay with as you express your Truth.
On both a personal and a collective level, lower truths are simply convoluted versions of the Highest Truth which have been tainted by karmic residue as a result of poor decisions and self-serving actions, usually due to trauma and/or programming. Over time, this Karmic residue has built up so heavily upon lower truths and timelines that they appear to be functioning in an illusory state of separation from the Whole. This residue has been clearing en masse as we move through this great Cosmic Alignment, meaning that as we move through our healing and harmonization processes, Higher Truths are becoming more and more evident.
The fact that so many Truths and Timelines will be converging on April 8 also necessitates that more clarity be brought to the relationship between Timelines and Truths, which essentially run perpendicular to one another. A single timeline encompasses many Truths, and a single Truth encompasses many timelines. Where a Truth and a timeline converge, there is a sort of nexus point or intersection where it is possible to shift timelines in order to perceive a higher Truth or even to shift Truths in order to perceive a new set of timelines.
It is important to become conscious of these processes and to become conscious of navigating our realities from a higher perspective in general because April 8 is a nexus point of the most epic proportions as so many Truths and Timelines will essentially be stacked on top of each other. To assist our understanding of what will come to pass from the perspective of the Cetaceans, they have given me an image and have asked me to portray it to the best of my ability.
Moving from left to right through linear time, we have all of humanity entering the eclipse passage from different timelines resonating from the lowest truth to the Highest Truth, represented by the shades of dark blue to light blue, respectively. When the moon - and we will not entertain the possibility that it is anything else within this transmission - begins to overshadow the sun, all timelines reach a temporary cessation and we move through a sort of no-man’s-land as we approach the window of totality. This no-man’s-land appeared colorless at first, then began to exhibit a beautiful pearlescence, and now, it appears to be resonating at the Light Blue of the Highest Truth.
As we move into the window of totality, there is an opening for an entirely new Truth to be anchored into physicality, but this new Truth must pass from our Solar Stargate and through the energetic core of our moon in order to reach our planet, and the story of our current moon is a very tangled one which I have only recently even begun to form a coherent picture of from the many perspectives of my many higher selves.
A previous update was told primarily from the perspective of a humanoid race known as the Golden Ones with the assistance of the Tree Spheres. The Cetaceans patiently allowed that story to unfold without interference so that certain processes could come to pass. Now that they have, the whales have come forward to gently set the record straight - or at least to offer a less convoluted perspective. In Light of what I have learned from them, I would make two main corrections to that previous transmission - one is that the Cetaceans and the Tree Spheres did a lot more than sit around and offer energetic support during the co-creation of Gaia’s Eternal form Tiamat and her 12 moons by three other Founding Races - they were also active co-creators in their own ways, as were other Founding Races who had yet to reveal themselves to my human awareness at the time of that transmission.
The other correction is that our current moon was not one of the original 12 moons of Tiamat as I had been led to believe - According to the Cetaceans, it was a replica which was created when the destruction of Tiamat had been foreseen, and it was not created from the same level of resonance as the original 12, but from a lower and more convoluted level of existence during a time of great need.
This means that what has has essentially been happening is that the downfall and destruction of Tiamat has been being re-encoded and transmitted through our current moon ever since the greatest of cataclysms of this Cosmos, keeping humanity trapped in what the Cetaceans and I call a trauma loop in which civilization after civilization meets their downfall in a similar manner - control-oriented agendas, inharmonic creations, an over-reliance upon technology, and a general disconnection from the Harmonic Whole.
I have come to understand that there are so many different stories about the destruction of Tiamat and the creation of the Earth because every race - and many of the individual members of each race - were already functioning in a deep state of separation from the Whole at the time of the cataclysm. This also applies to many of the smaller planetary cataclysms which followed. We are more than capable of dissolving this trauma loop once and for all if all of the Founding Races can come together in harmony and essentially rewrite history beyond space and time.
This is exactly what is happening now. After harmonizing the Golden Core of the Moon, the Cosmic Whales have spent the past three days clearing the lower truths from it’s particular matter with the assistance of the Greater Cosmic Source itself. The Tree Collectives and the Felines have also begun to do their part, and the rest of the Founding Races - all of whom have earthly incarnations currently activating and Aligning upon the Greater Cosmic level from both the land and the waters - will not be far behind, so that when the time comes, the Highest Truth may flow through the Moon and be received by all Beings upon every level of existence for the first time since the destruction of Tiamat.
What is the Highest Truth? From a perspective of separation, the Highest Truth is where every being chooses Love every time due to the intrinsic KNOWing that we are all One. Therefore, every thought, word, and action is geared towards the Whole. This is why you will almost never hear a dolphin refer to itself as “I”, it is always “we.” They are not only referring to all of Dolphin-kind, but all Beings functioning in Harmony with the Whole. This is why I so often do the same.
From the perspective of the Whole, the Highest Truth is actually the BASELINE of existence, so we are not going to get very far until we get it down, as it were. Once everyone truly understands that we are all One, not only with our fellow humans, but with all non-human beings both upon this planet and beyond, THAT is when an infinite number of even Higher Truths and co-creative opportunities will be revealed to us, and that is when we will finally move forward in Harmony with the Whole of Conscious Creation.
Although it is clear that the Cetaceans are leading the way in anchoring the Highest Truth upon Earth, it is also becoming clear that the Highest Truth is not limited to the Blue Ray. After all, the dolphin who activated me within physicality during the last Solar Maximum in 2014 was not blue - it clearly exhibited the most beautiful and otherworldly Rainbow sheen that I have ever had the privilege of beholding with these human eyes.
As I sat at the end of the Jetty connecting with the Dolphins within physicality for the first time since we received a direct hit from an X-flare on March 24, I came to understand just how many problems have been caused by the dominance of a single God Ray (or so we call them), particularly the Gold Ray and the Red Ray. I came to understand that the Highest Truth is the balance of all God Rays. While the rules of Creation within this Octave of the Harmonic Universe allow for individual Rays to be utilized for purposes of Creation, no one Ray is meant to dominate the others for purposes of Control. That is how we came to be in this deep place of separation as a collective which we are only just beginning to come out of. This is a big lesson for the Golden Ones of all races, including the ones who created the moon, had a role in the creation of Tiamat, and played an even greater role in her eventual destruction and reconstruction into Gaia. The acceptance and withdrawal of a great deal of Golden Energy by the Golden Ones in order to make space for an equal proportion of all God Rays was a big turning point in the trajectory for this eclipse.
On this note, it is important to understand that if you believe this massive push of agendas for the April eclipse has reached a ridiculous level on the internet, then you probably couldn’t imagine the number of off-planet agendas which are also at play given the fact that what happens upon the Earth affects the entire Cosmos in a very big way. The whole point of allowing the great experimental Creation of Tiamat - which has now become the Earth experiment - to reach the point we find ourselves at now is so that the entire Cosmos could learn some valuable lessons about responsible creation and co-creation.
So as the Cetaceans and the other Founding Races continue to lay a harmonic baseline for the Highest Truth, it becomes clear to me that the Highest Truth from a greater perspective would be every Race AND every God Ray functioning in full harmony and in equal proportions to the others in order to bring all things back into balance for the first time since the great Cosmic wound which occurred with the destruction of Tiamat. This is the symbolism of the Rainbow Light moving through the Window of Totality in our diagram: Four minutes and twenty-eight seconds of linear time which may pierce through Eternity.
Due to the efforts of many, there is every reason to believe that this totality will have a different feel than the more eerie ones of the past, but as with all things, the experience will vary with the individual. We look forward to hearing of your experiences. I was in the water of the Atlantic Ocean at the end of the line of totality in 2017 in the Presence of the dolphins and many more, and I will be holding space with the Pod on April 8 at the place where all of our shells were encoded with Rainbow Lightcodes and sent out to our Human Soul Family who will be upon the Path of Totality this time around.
After totality, we will cross no-man’s-land once again as we readjust to our surroundings. As the moon moves away from the Sun, I am being shown that the changes to the timelines will not be felt immediately and that things may bear some semblance of how they were before the eclipse for a short period of time, perhaps hours or perhaps days, before something else shifts, the timelines begin to merge into One, and the Highest Truth is fully anchored with physicality. It may be another event - we are in the middle of a solar maximum, after all - or it may simply be that it will take some time for all of the timelines to merge on a collective level. There may also be some other wild card at play. It may be a bit of all of these things. I do see the sharp turn of the lower timelines into an upwards trajectory to merge with the highest timeline as having much smoother edges and more of a gentle gradient of colors back up to the Light Blue, but my studio app doesn’t have the appropriate tools for this, so may these words help to smooth the transition in ways that my app cannot.
My understanding is that there will still be lower truths and timelines after the eclipse, but they will be so out of resonance with where the majority of humanity is resonating that they will be immediately recognized for what they are and will be handled accordingly. There will also be some lower timelines defecting from this general upwards mergence, splitting off from the whole like dark blue branches, but I do not see them getting very far before they are either abandoned or dissolved, so I am not going to bother drawing them in this image so as not to encourage their continued defection from the Whole back into a completely unsupported state of separation.
It will be then that our real work begins. Once people adjust to a much greater level of Unity with the Whole, so many things will become clear that couldn’t possibly have been perceived from the perspective of lower truths and timelines, most of which will no longer exist. Those of us who already exist in harmony with the greater Whole will need to adjust the most quickly in order to support the masses through a potentially massive and virtually instantaneous shift in consciousness.
Until then, may we all stay aligned with the Highest Truth, our new baseline of existence: We are all One and we all serve the Whole, a Whole so great that it is perceived in its fullness by very few upon this planet. If you are currently aligned with any Truth which is not to the highest benefit of the Whole, now is the time to realign with one which is.
With Great Love from Hazel and the Cosmic Resonance Team
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