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- Cetaceans & Arcturians Carry Out Deep Matrix Harmonization
Cetaceans & Arcturians Carry Out Deep Matrix Harmonization
Via Human Chakra Centers
A Cosmic Collective Update: Cetaceans & Arcturians Carry Out Deep Matrix Harmonization via Human Chakra Centers
In order to assure an accurate portrayal of events, this transmission is being transcribed in conjunction with a representative of the Cetacean Collective in dolphin form. From a human perspective, one thing which has become increasingly clear in 2024 is how very multidimensional everything is. As illusions of separation continue to dissolve through this powerful Solar Maximum, we are discovering, healing, clearing, and reintegrating aspects of ourselves from many different timelines which we have been previously unaware of. At its roots, this is all part of the dissolution of the multidimensional control paradigm.
With the assistance of one of our human pod members and the vast amount of clearing which has recently come to pass, we have just gained access to a series of inorganic attachments which have been placed on the back of each major chakra center of most of humanity from a very deep level of existence which most people have long been unconscious of. The Whales have given me the approximate timeframe in which each one of these inorganic attachments has been implemented on a large scale using the creation of the current form of this planet from the remnants of Tiamat as a starting point and the present moment as an end point.
From a multidimensional perspective, the creation of the current form of this planet does not fit into the most widely accepted geological timeline because it occurred as a “re-write” which transcended linear time completely, and linear time is not what we think it is. For the purposes of this transmission, which will not be grasped with the logical mind but instead received through the higher mind in conjunction with the heart center, the Cetaceans are putting the “start point” of the current form of this planet around 500,000 years ago, which coincides with the most widely accepted time frame for the divergence of modern humans from their mammalian ancestors. The stretch of linear time before this transition is currently blacked out from my conscious awareness as it represented the long, slow decline of Tiamat which is not worth remembering in great detail.
The current form of this planet was created after the greatest of cataclysms in conjunction with an organic Source-matrix. This organic Source technology consists of sixteen harmonic layers of reality which present lessons and experiences to initiate and support the healing and reintegration of the souls who were present upon Tiamat at the time of her destruction as well as the healing and reintegration of this fragmented version of the planet itself. Many souls have in essence been functioning as a fragmented part of the whole for well over 500,000 years of linear time if we include the long fall of Tiamat herself.
From what I was shown by the Cetaceans, the Organic Source-Matrix of Earth functioned at its highest harmonic capacity for tens of thousands of years until humanity was infiltrated by the first chakra boxes almost 100,000 years ago. These inorganic black boxes allowed humanity to become programmable and lowered their frequencies to resonate with increasingly inharmonic realities which mimicked the fall of Tiamat, instigating conflict and initiating a series of smaller planetary cataclysms which added further layers to our healing processes.
Over the next 100,000 years, all of the chakra centers were compromised on a large scale and all aspects of our co-creative reality became very easy to manipulate multidimensionally from the overlord consciousnesses who was pulling all of the strings at the highest levels of the control paradigm. Our spinal columns and our cerebrospinal fluid also became stagnant and deactivated due to the presence of these inorganic attachments, essentially shutting down the vertical core of our toroidal fields emanating from our heart centers as all of our chakra centers were programmed with fear-based frequencies and stories.
It was not difficult to find the overlord consciousnesses who originally implemented these boxes. He was very agreeable to being granted safe passage out of this Universe as all things inorganic and inharmonic are approaching the final stages of their harmonization and dissolution in the high frequencies of this Great Cosmic Alignment and all inharmonic beings are becoming increasingly uncomfortable… and visible. As a necessary part of his safe passage, he agreed to the harmonization and dissolution of the Chakra boxes from the human collective, which the Cetaceans and the Arcturians are now in the process of carrying out on a large scale.
This whole scenario was only allowed to play out because it is assisting us in healing something much, much greater during this unprecedented alignment with the Infinite Spiral of Creation. It is important to understand that these processes have been unfolding in layers for some time now and many souls may have already moved through a conscious “unplugging” on some level - true Keanu Reeves style - but it is only now reaching the depths of the masses as its deepest roots are finally being addressed. This is being done slowly so as not to cause an unnecessary level of internal discomfort or sudden external change which would be a shock to both the internal and external systems.
As within, so without, always. Our insides create our outsides. This was the idea behind the implementation of these boxes, and this will be a key aspect of their harmonization and dissolution. People will slowly begin to resonate less with the inorganic matrix and more with nature. Programmed thoughtforms and repeating patterns will continue to be consciously identified and dissolved. External distractions will have less of an effect upon our consciousness. We will be able to hold a much more harmonic Presence within physicality.
But first, we must move through these processes within physicality. There may be back pain and sensations within each of the the chakra centers as these boxes - or knobs in the case of the highest two - are slowly harmonized and dissolved because each one of them have extensions which reach inside the chakra centers and into the surrounding tissues and organs. The lowest one is actually two which are located on each side of the sacrum, keeping us rooted in an inharmonic paradigm of duality. We may be making more frequent trips to the bathroom as we move through some very physical timeline dumps in association with these processes.
It has been agreed that due to the vast and all-encompassing effects of this transition, the boxes and knobs will be harmonized before they are fully removed. This step is being carried out with the assistance of the Arcturians who are working closely with the Cetaceans for the healing and harmonization of humanity. Energetically, the boxes/knobs will appear to shift from black to purple. This changes their energy from something inharmonic to something which may be utilized to present and support the appropriate healing and harmonization processes to be carried out within our bodies and within our realities through various scenarios and interpersonal interactions.
As the extensions of these boxes are harmonized in the same way, they are also softening and becoming more flexible. When it is time, the boxes/knobs and their internal extensions will be removed by each individual’s own Arcturian or Cetacean aspect of self. The energetic influence of the overlord consciousnesses has already been removed beyond space and time and we are now being supported by these two benevolent and harmonic races at a much greater capacity. There is nothing that any of us need to do consciously at this point in time aside from honor our own inner and outer processes.
We will be connecting consciously with our Arcturian and Cetacean aspects of Self in Week 2 of our Meet Your Cosmic Family Zoom Series. We hope to see you all this Tuesday for Week 1 where we will be connecting with the Infinite Spiral of Creation via the Tree Spheres beneath Mama Banya who has served as a harmonic anchor point for today’s processes to be initiated and for this transmission to be transcribed in conjunction with the Cetacean Collective. As I was editing the accompanying photo of the Dolphins and the Arcturians, Mama Banya dropped one of her fruits on my windshield. It is clear that she would like her photo included in this sharing as well 💚 Details and sign-up info can be found at https://cosmicresonance.org/zoom-gatherings.
With Great Love and Reverence from Hazel and the Cosmic Resonance Team