Cetacean Orchestration

On ReTruthing Day

Cetacean Orchestration on ReTruthing Day

The replays from our ReTruthing Day have now been posted under our Cellular Liberation Series, and the dolphins made it known that they would be a big part of this gathering 🩡 This clip explains just a tiny bit of the next-level alignment between Cosmic Resonance and Jan Lemuri’s work which I feel quite certain will be expanding for years to come πŸ¬πŸ‹ If you feel called to join us at the Red Sea in April, Jan has just extended the Early Bird discount until February 19. Learn more & sign up at innerdolphinawakening.com/sataya-red-sea-2025 

And catch the full replay of our ReTruthing Day for FREE in our Cellular Liberation Series at CosmicResonance.thinkific.com where we move through a powerful exercise to rewrite the programming behind all of those doubts, fears, and β€œI can’t”s you may be having about this or anything else which will nourish and expand your soul πŸ€—

With Great Love from Allora and the Cosmic Resonance Team
