A Higher Trajectory

And the importance of Focus

Two Earth Matrixes are Harmonizing Now ~ The Importance of our Focus upon a Higher Trajectory

For hundreds of thousands of years of linear time, there have been two “Matrixes” present upon this planet - The sixteen-layer Organic Source Matrix and the twelve-layer inorganic matrix which attempts to emulate it. The Organic Source Matrix was designed by the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness to present all Conscious Beings on Earth with the most appropriate lessons and experiences for their evolution as this planet moves back into Harmony with the Greater Whole after a series of devastating events.

The inorganic matrix was created as an attempt to override the Organic Source Matrix for purposes of control. It presents endless distractions which essentially make people blind to the greater lessons behind their Earthly experiences, not only bringing forward evolution through the natural and organic expansion of consciousness to a screeching halt, but actually reversing it to a state of de-evolution.

As we move through an unprecedented Greater Cosmic Alignment at this pivotal moment in both linear and cyclical time, what is happening NOW is that the actual cogs and wheels which make up the inorganic matrix are being softened, organified, and harmonized with the Greater Whole from deep under the ground all around the world. This will allow the souls who have been functioning from the inorganic matrix to come back into harmony with the Organic Source Matrix.

What this may look like: More souls experiencing more synchronicities to set them on the path which will provide the most appropriate lessons and experiences for their processes of healing, harmonization, and expansion. These synchronicities may at times be so obvious and in-your-face that they do not even seem “real”. In the Organic Source Matrix, consciousness is able to transcend the illusory barriers of space and time much more easily.

What this may feel like: This depends entirely upon how deep in the inorganic matrix you have been enveloped over all lifetimes, timelines, and dimensions as well as all generations of your human ancestry. It will also depend upon how much work you have done to harmonize the aforementioned before this moment in linear time.

Hospitals are currently overrun by people who are unprepared to move through the physical processes of healing and harmonization as lifetimes and generations of control, oppression, trauma, and the vast amount of karmic residue which accompanies them is cleared from the cellular level. The body holds infinite intelligence and knows exactly what it needs to do in order to come back into Harmony with the Whole, but the frequency of fear which has been programmed into the inorganic matrix is the biggest thing stopping our bodies from moving through these processes as smoothly as possible.

Trusting in the infinite wisdom of your body and holding a state of gratitude through these processes will allow them to pass much more quickly and easily. It is wise to avoid seeking a label or a diagnosis as this will bring an unnecessary layer of density and manifestation to what is mostly an energetic and emotional process. This is why we have so many people spending long hours at hospitals only to be sent home and told that there is nothing physically wrong with them.

It is time that we all learn to communicate with the infinite wisdom of our bodies in order to find out what it is that they are clearing and how we can best support ourselves through these processes rather than seeking answers from an outside source who lacks the deep awareness of our own personal history and the deeply buried emotions locked within our cellular memory.

Aligning with nature and natural frequencies will continue to be KEY as we move forward, because the distractions continue through the internet and the media as the focus remains upon the dissolution of the inorganic matrix rather than the much more harmonious transition to the Organic Source Matrix. You would be amazed by how much your body and your consciousness can come into alignment if you put down your phone and don’t turn on a TV or computer for a full 24 hours. This allows you to differentiate between your experience of reality and the one which is being broadcasted to the masses.

From the stillness and peace of our own organic energy field, the Organic Source Matrix may reveal to us a higher trajectory for our Earthly experience. When this new pathway opens up, it will be unmistakable. We may have our doubts and we may have to break through several layers of old programming before we take our first steps, but the opening will be persistent and the expansion will be palpable.

Our stolid focus upon this higher trajectory soon brings an unwavering alignment with a much higher and more soul-aligned timeline than the one we left behind. We do not become blind to the lower timelines and the distractions they present to the masses, but we are able to shift our perspective of them as we honor the greater processes of this Collective Transition. Remember that our Souls are Eternal. In regards to the way we experience temporary events and transitions, whether personal or collective, we would share a favorite line from the Dolphins: “It’s all a matter of perspective”.

We hope to see you under the Oak Tree every Sunday where we will be presenting many opportunities for a higher trajectory 🤍 You can sign up for our Sunday Zooms at CosmicResonance.thinkific.com.

With Great Love from Allora and the Cosmic Resonance Team
