A Cosmic Collective Update

Rapid Transformation of Future Timelines

A Cosmic Collective Update: Rapid Transformation of Future Timelines (Part 1 of Transforming the Future)

When we left off in our last Cosmic Collective Update, we had been focusing primarily upon the Lower Collective Timelines before the U.S. elections had taken place. At that point, there were two branches of possible Collective Timelines corresponding with the election of each presidential candidate. The higher one looked more harmonic, but it left a lot of space for lower-level agendas to remain hidden from the majority of the Collective. The lower branch which represented the election of the other presidential candidate at that time appeared, murky, fragmented, and dead ended, but it’s alignment at the lowest levels of existence presented an opportunity to illuminate the depths of the Collective Consciousness with the right amount of Harmonic Assistance.

The latter timeline was chosen during the U.S. elections, so it is a good thing that there is no shortage of Harmonic Assistance to the new administration in the form of millions of incarnated starseeds working in tandem with our human and non-human Earthly, Galactic, and Cosmic Families as well as the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness itself from multiple levels of existence simultaneously. In a matter of days, individual timelines and interdimensional spaces were harmonized and rearranged to enable a complete transformation of the Lower Collective Timeline. For the first time, we have a lower Collective experience which is resonating at a single Harmonic frequency indicating an unprecedented level of solidarity and a distinct lack of the corruption and distortion which has been present on the lowest levels of existence for many thousands of years upon this planet.

We must now revise our perspectives about what it means to be high vibrational, low vibrational, harmonic, and inharmonic. It has long been clear to me that higher timelines are not always more harmonic in nature and that sometimes we can hold more harmonic space upon a lower timeline than we can upon a higher one. Complete mastery comes when we can hold harmonic space upon even the lowest timeline, and it appears that at least energetically, an opportunity is now being presented for us to do this on a large scale.

We cannot expect the media to give us any indication of this collective-level harmonization, which is why it is more important than ever to trust our own intuitive sources to navigate through this Collective Shift. In order to develop, refine, and expand our intuitive abilities and perceive more of the bigger picture beyond distortion, our primary focus should always be upon our own internal processes unfolding as a microcosm of the Greater Whole.

This is why it is so fitting that the driving force behind this Collective-level overhaul is working to put a stop to the very things which are mucking up our internal world and slowing our processes of healing and harmonization upon the Lower Collective Timeline - things like va©©ines, food additives, fluoride, and more. Stopping the corruption of the medical industry on a larger scale may take some time, but the dominoes have already started to fall and the momentum will only be accelerating as time goes by.

the programming which has convinced people to trust a corrupt medical industry to tell them what is “wrong” with their bodies runs very deep because it plays off of an ancient, primal fear for our own survival. Getting a quick fix also takes much less time and much less personal responsibility than it does to tune in and listen to what the body is trying to tell us, move through the necessary healing processes, and make the appropriate changes in our lives. The former keeps us reliant upon corrupt medical industry, and the latter allows us complete sovereignty over our bodies, our lives, and our overall well-being.

So before you grow fearful about having your medical care cut because you feel that your life depends upon it, we would ask if you are really sure about that. When our bodies are resonating in full harmony with nature and the Greater Whole, it is easy to listen to them and to keep them he@lthy. This is why I am grateful - and quite frankly a little bit astounded - to learn that our new Head of He@lth meditates with ravens on his balcony every morning. If you doubt it, you can watch this short video made by the man himself: https://youtube.com/shorts/mseS7I7CNM4?si=zLwCHAX4i9S04Q78

Ravens symbolize many things in many cultures, but the top five are transformation, wisdom, a connection to the spirit world, healing, and protection, so I would say that the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness is putting us in pretty good hands. Irregardless of this video, I would also say that if you do not already have a morning meditation routine which includes nature, then it is well past time to work one out. Starting every day from this level of Alignment will make a huge difference in your life.

We will now shift our focus away from the Lower Collective Timeline and to the other two Collective Timelines which are now at play. We have already spoken of the Highest Collective Timeline which was fully anchored in during the Hurriflare event. It currently straddles the Harmonic Barrier between 15D and 16D and is fully accessible within our conscious waking experience, and it is still presenting as a beautiful iridescent light violet color. The iridescence indicates that this timeline functions in full Unity Consciousness with the Greater Whole… That is, every harmonic human and non-human Earthly, Galactic, and Cosmic Being as well as every Sphere of Consciousness in Existence. Strengthening this timeline within the Human Sphere of Consciousness has been the primary focus of the Cosmic Resonance Team since Millie was just a blip on the radar.

Once the Lower Collective Timeline was harmonized and lengthened after the elections, the vibrational spectrum between the Highest Collective Timeline and the Lower Collective Timeline was highlighted. An immense amount of Collective Karmic Residue was removed, multidimensional programs and agendas were isolated and illuminated, and eventually everything condensed and merged to a third, mid-level Collective Timeline. At first, it appeared black and mucky, and then it slowly began to harmonize to a non-iridescent light violet color from its future-most point backwards to the present moment. This harmonization is still in process, but we are well over halfway there.

I am coming to understand that at its “highest” levels, this was once the highest inharmonic timeline. The simplest way to describe what it represents now would be Distorted Spirituality, including spiritual hierarchies and a focus upon spiritual warfare. It is basically spirituality within an agenda, and it is generally held by those who are not truly resonating in full Harmony with the Whole as much as they may say - and even truly believe - that they are.

Spiritual hierarchies have existed for many thousands of years of linear time. Civilizations like Atlantis, Sumeria, and Ancient Egypt were founded upon these principles, but that does not mean that this is truly how things work beyond within the vast majority of this Harmonic Universe and beyond. Hierarchies are largely reflective of the Reptilian Sphere of Consciousness. At the highest levels, it was actually the reptilians who who created the stories of other spiritual hierarchies as a reflection of the multidimensional control paradigm.

Reptilian overlords have been at the “top” of this paradigm influencing human and humanoid beings for hundreds of thousands of years upon this planet. Long-lived, reptilian-influenced inharmonic humanoid beings made up the mid-levels of the control paradigm, often passing themselves off as “gods” to humanity. Leaders and other gifted humans were then “chosen” to be an embodiment of a “god” and utilized to influence the human collective more directly. The control paradigm is represented symbolically in the pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar bill.

On the present-day distorted spirituality timeline, this practice continues somewhat halfheartedly with false Ascended Masters, Archangels, “Federations”, “Councils”, and other spiritual figures and groups. As we fine-tune our own frequencies along with our frequency receptors (aka our sense of discernment), we are able to detect a lack of authenticity in these consciousnesses, their transmissions, and any services they may be offering.

Furthermore, the reason that many have fallen out of resonance with the Angelic Realms is because they were twisted by the control paradigm to become an Angelic Hierarchy as a reflection of the Reptilian Hierarchy. I have learned that many of the souls who are now recognized as Archangels are actually Arcturian in Origin. Merging and working with and from the Cetacean and Arcturian Spheres of Consciousness - among others - has taught me that individual and group titles are never used when a being is truly resonating in full Harmony with the Whole.

As more people actually begin to experience what it is like to function in true Unity Consciousness, more people begin to exit the distorted spirituality timeline and find a place of resonance upon the Highest Collective Timeline, the Lower Collective Timeline, or both… because not only are we here to move through the full spectrum of experiences of this incarnation, we should never underestimate how helpful it can be to take a break from the less worldly aspects of this Shift and enjoy the richness of a “normal” human experience.

And now we must once again address the subject of “spiritual warfare”, perhaps in a different way as it seems that there are still many people who are not ready to let go of these programs and understand that WE create our realities. We do have a choice as to which narratives we align with and therefore allow to play out within our human experience. The most important thing to innerstand is that most of these timelines and agendas play off of pre-existing trauma and programming… and often many layers of it.

The true nature of our realities has always been - and always will be - As Within, So Without. There will always be Collective Events unfolding as catalysts for change on behalf of the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness, and when we are not trusting the Higher Plan behind all things and instead choose to adhere to a lower agenda or narrative, we must acknowledge that there is still something within us which is resonating at these levels.

We are not saying that these lower-level timelines and narratives are not real, for reality is subjective and no experience is any more real or any less real than any other. And neither are we downplaying the entrapment of soul fragments upon these lower timelines. We are simply emphasizing the importance of focus to assure that you are not actually becoming part of the problem, however unintentional it may be. We must also remember that no problem is ever solved at the same level in which it was created. A greater perspective will always be required.

We will now give a very relevant example of what this looks like… and it is an example which involves all three of the Collective Timelines at play. In fact, this event was what enabled the most clearing, harmonization, and stabilization of the lower two Collective Timelines after the Elections. Many are aware of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. A colleague and I were drawn to work in this area during a joint session with a client on the evening before the 11/11 portal. At that time, I had no idea that a proposed Israeli ceasefire had hinged upon the election of the new president who would bring new energy and new motivations to the negotiation table.

We all know that negotiations and legalities take time to play out upon the lower timelines, and as we were unaware of all of this anyway, we went with the Flow and took this divinely-timed opportunity to work with our Teams to clear out any overlords which presented themselves within this region. We would remind you all that this is a process which is always carried out with the agreement of the beings in question. Most of them are getting increasingly uncomfortable within the rising frequencies of this Greater Cosmic Alignment and are ready, willing, and eager to be transported back to the Universe from whence their Ancestors came aeons ago. The few who resist are not difficult to convince with the appropriate level of assistance.

The primary overlord was located under modern-day Iraq which was also the location of ancient Sumeria where many of the principles of the control paradigm were founded. Many of them, like the 12-based measurements of time and distance, are still utilized as building blocks of the human experience to this day. Not far from this overlord, beneath a desolate stretch of desert between Iraq and Syria, was an extreme area of density which eventually revealed the biggest false reality construct (black cube) and anti-source technology (black sphere) that we had ever seen.

This technology was clearly part of the ancient spiritual warfare timeline and it could only be harmonized and dissolved from the Highest Collective Timeline because it required an immense amount of higher harmonic assistance from many different races functioning in full Harmony with the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness… as well as the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness itself. We would remind you all that no piece of inharmonic/inorganic technology can exist beyond 12D… And there’s that number again.

It soon became clear that this overlord was one of many which were anchored beneath military bases all over the world. Each of them had their own false reality construct and anti-source technology, and they were all interconnected by dark tentacles going through the roofs of these facilities. It took a lot of time and energy, but eventually we were able to free the overlords and dissolve the inharmonic technology from places like London, South Africa, Russia, China, Germany, and several locations in the United States including Tampa, San Diego, Alaska, and Washington D.C. I am sure that there are several that I am forgetting as we were exhausted by this point.

The area beneath Washington D.C. presented an explanation for the conglomerates of Souls that we kept finding at the end of the tentacles. It became clear that many inharmonic, futuristic underground breakaway civilizations were connected to this energetic setup and that they were also being freed from these inharmonic reptilian influences. These groups are of a different vibrational frequency than the Harmonic Inner Earth Beings, and regardless of how much they love their “advanced” technology and their false sense of security, I do bet that they miss real sunshine and starlight.

The last piece of all of this is still unfolding. Now that so many Retilian overlords have exited this Planetary Sphere, the mid-level humanoids who once posed as “gods” are also being freed of their inharmonic influence and are finally free to make their own choice as to whether they will now move unimpeded and supported through the Healing and Harmonization processes which are unfolding naturally as part of this Greater Cosmic Alignment or whether they will continue to resist, interfere, and become increasingly uncomfortable within these rising frequencies. It is a choice which is not really a choice at all, but rather a letting go of resistance and trusting in the Higher Plan and the Divine Order of the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness during this Greater Cosmic Alignment. It is the same choice that we as humans must make every day.

And so we must wonder at the similarities between these three Collective Timelines and the three major levels of the Control Paradigm. Are we looking at the full dissolution of the multidimensional Control Paradigm as we move towards functioning as a fully harmonic Planetary Collective regardless of race or species? Either way, as time goes by, I see more and more people splitting off from this mid-level timeline until it slowly and quietly ceases to be.

I am being shown that soon after Inauguration Day in late January or early February, part of the Highest Collective Timeline branches off and dips down more deeply into the Collective Consciousness of this planet. It does so more smoothly than my limited artistic abilities allowed in the self-created image accompanying this Update. By April, it actually intercepts the distorted spirituality timeline, almost certainly speeding up its demise in the process. I am being shown a greater level of Light between the two branches of the Highest Collective Timeline, but I am also seeing circular pockets of darkness which appear to be holding space for people to move through their own Healing and Harmonization processes at their own pace as they are held ever so gently in the Highest light.

I know that there will be more changes to these Collective Timelines in the near future. As we see the Lower Collective Timeline as iridescent Red and the Highest Collective Timeline as iridescent Violet, one would imagine that eventually the other colors of the ROYGBIV spectrum would appear to fill in the middle, but I am getting no indication of this just yet. Our Lightbody Training Series aligns very nicely with the branching of the Highest Timeline as it runs from February 1 to April 1, and I would definitely say that it would be just the thing to bring some color into this ever-evolving tapestry of Collective Timelines. Time will tell, and if you’d like to be a part of it, details of all of our Zoom series can be found at https://cosmicresonance.org/zoom-gatherings.

There is more to say, but this feels like quite enough to digest for today. Part two of this update will continue to discuss our rapid transformation into the future by bringing a greater perspective to the many changes taking place as a result of the crossing of Pluto into Aquarius. Until then, please continue to honor your own processes as new phases of this Shift continue to unfold with varying degrees of intensity and radical change upon all levels of existence.

With Great Love from Hazel and the Cosmic Resonance Team
